Hotline, ahogy én szeretem

írta: JoeYi, 7 éve -on is feljön az újkeletű customer help chat window. Provokálva éreztem magam az "and I'm a real person" megjegyzéstől, de a supportos simán vette a lapot :)

Hey I'm Phillip (and I'm a real person). Do you have a question about Icecream Apps products?

→are you a real person?

Phillip: Yes. How can I help you?

→oh thats great, we have to fight against robots!

Phillip: We don't have to.

→but the judgement day!

Phillip: Asimov's rule, you know.

→and the Skynet rule?

Phillip: I prefer to believe that robots will be led by the three rules of robotics by Asimov, I am optimist.

→haha. Glass is half full for you, now I see! :) Thank you for the funny chat, now I try this screen recorder, lets see what does it know. Have a nice day

Phillip: Thank you, was nice talking to you as well! Happy holidays! :)