Netflix - Hálózat, szolgáltatók fórum




Megkérdeztem a Netflixet:

"Netflix Joss
I totally get what you ask, indeed, it would be great to have Netflix available at the TV. Even the TV is a brand new model, we are still working on getting Netflix available in all devices, including the TV you have with you! This it totally normal since we have just arrived in your country, It is just a matter of time of partnering up with all the providers and brands in Hungary to get Netflix available on all platforms!
I am surely passing along the suggestion to sped things up and get Netflix available as soon as possible! In the meantime you can totally relax and enjoy the service on other devices with no problems, please stay tuned in our Social Media Pages for any updates about this"

Meglátjuk, mennyire sablonszöveg, vagy komolyan gondolják. :D
