Raspberry Pi - PC, mini PC, barebone, szerver fórum




az megvan, hogy a livecd-ket fel lehet nyomni pendrivera is? namarmost vagy installalok valahonnan; vagy mivel fix a hardver, valaki elkeszit egy mar felinstallalt rendszert, amit ki lehet irni az sd-kartyara (mondjuk dd-vel). ilyen specialisan particionalt (fat32+ext3) sdkartyat lehet majd vasarolni az alapitvanytol.

a bootolasi procedura egyebkent:
The boards do not include NAND or NOR storage - everything is on the SD card, which has a FAT32 partition with GPU firmware and a kernel image, and an EXT2 partition with the rootfs. We're not currently using a bootloader - we actually boot via the GPU, which contains a proprietary RISC core (wacky architecture ;) . The GPU mounts the SD card, loads GPU firmware and brings up display/video/3d, loads a kernel image, resets the SD card host and starts the ARM.

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