


Mielőtt azt gondolnátok, hogy maga a kamera alkalmazás fogja megváltani a világot MIUI alatt, el kell hogy szomorítsalak titeket.
Több layer-en keresztül van a ZUI-ba programozva, nem csak a LIB-ekbe, hanem a framework-be is, hogy hogyan optimalizálja a képalkotást.
Ezek az összes 3rd Party ROM-ból hiányoznak, miután azok eredetileg nem ZUI-ra készültek, ezért is valamiféle általános kódot alkalmaznak a képalkotáshoz, ami elmaradt a cég által optimalizálttól.
Mindegy, hogy MIUI, CM, vagy akármilyen rendszer van rajta, a ZUI gyári színvonalát egy sem hozhatja ezen okokból kifolyólag.
A ZUI kamera alkalmazását szintén portolni talán egy félmegoldásnak jó lenne, de még úgy sem lenne 100%-os a minőség.
Egyszerű magyarázat, hogy miért ne várjunk csodát más ROM-októl kamerában:

M: Definitely. And that’s kind of where word of mouth marketing comes into play. A lot of OnePlus users are just enthusiasts in general. The kind of tech savvy person in the family who ends up recommending the phones, and all that stuff. We’ve seen you guys release the blobs for Dash Charging, which greatly sped up the development of custom ROMs, because it meant that custom ROMs could take advantage of Dash Charge, and meant that people weren’t giving something up to use custom ROMs. And again, I’m running CyanogenMod 14, and it still charges wicked fast, and of course a lot of people are thankful for that. But developers always want and need more. There’s been a lot of talk about the camera. Do you guys have any plans on helping with the development of the camera software for Custom ROMs?

C: We want to, and we’ve been talking about internally. So there’s a challenge with the camera because if we want a blob, then there are two major challenges. The first one being, the code relating to the camera is on a lot of layers, so you have something related to the camera on the framework level, something on the Android level, something on a system level. So we’re gonna have to rewrite a lot of code to be able to separate it in a way that allows us to blob it. And the second reason is, if we were to blob it the result is that the speed will suffer, so the speed of the camera UX on custom ROMs will suffer. We’re still trying to figure out a way of how we can release something that will help people improve the camera in their custom ROMs without making the experience become too bad. And we don’t want something with our logo to have a poor experience either. So it is going to be a little bit harder than we thought, but we’ve been discussing this.


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