The Division topic - összefoglaló szerkesztés - Logoszféra fórum




PTS infók

Start: 9:00 CEST

Agent Brief





World Level Tier
Upon reaching level 30, players are now able to select a World Level Tier that controls the level of enemy NPCs encountered and the quality of the loot they drop
There are a total of 4 World Level tiers:
Tier 1: enemy lvl30, gear score rewards 163
Tier 2: enemy lvl31, gear score rewards 182, unlocks Challenge difficulty, unlocks Incursions
Tier 3: enemy lvl32, gear score rewards 204
Tier 4: enemy lvl33, gear score rewards 229

Field Proficiency
Players can now gain experience past level 30 and upon leveling up, will receive a loot cache.


Roaming Named NPC groups are now back in the open world. They now respawn every 24 hours.
Time-to-kill enemy NPCs has been lowered.
Added 40 new High Value Target contracts to the contract pool.
Heroic Difficulty is no longer available for any game activity.
Challenge Difficulty missions will now give extra rewards when completed for the first time.
Player ammo capacity has been increased after level 30.
Player health now fully regenerates all segments when out of combat.
Challenge Difficulty missions will now reward extra rewards upon first time completion.
Decreased the delay before Mobile Cover bonuses/protection are applied to the player after deployment.
Added a recalibration station in The Terminal.
Incendiary and Explosive Rounds will no longer apply status effects like Stagger and On Fire.

Damage per second calculations now ignore magazine size, reload speed, accuracy and headshot damage.
Added a delay between leaving a group and signing up for matchmaking.
When matchmaking the game will now attempt to refill empty slots if the group privacy allows it.
Added a player reporting interface for PC users.
Rogue players are now shown on the mini-map.
Players can now pan, rotate, and zoom their character model when viewing Vanity gear.
Players now have the “mark as junk” option when equipping mods.
Players can now mark weapon and gear items as “favorites” which locks them in their inventory. Locked items cannot be sold, shared or dismantled.
Added a buyback option to vendor’s inventory. Players can now recover items they have accidentally sold.
Equipped items are now always displayed at the top of the inventory list.
Recalibrated items now have an icon displayed next to their recalibrated stat/talent.
Crafting materials can now be converted in bulk at the Crafting Station.

Weapon magazines are now refilled when restocking from an ammo crate.
Gear Set gear scores have been brought in-line with the High-End gear scores tiers.
Weekly assignment loot caches now drop items scaled with the players current gear score.
Weapon skins no longer take inventory space.
The crafting material drops from the Base of Operations will now reward High-End quality after level 30.
Removed scavenging secondary stat on all gear pieces. New gear pieces can no longer roll scavenging.
Several Gear Sets have been rebalanced.

Known Issues

Known Issues 09.23.
Fixed and waiting for patch deployment
Bullet King Farming (long may he live). Until this issue has been resolved, please refrain from using this as we want your feedback on the proper progression paths. This is not intended and will be resolved.

Under Investigation
Spelling Error in the Recovery Link description "leathal"
Translation errors. We are working to make sure all the text in our supported languages is correctly translated
First Aid falling through the ground when using it while rolling or aiming
General Assembly dropping 4 High Ends. Please note that we are still investigating what rewards we would like to give.
Dark Zone Supply Drop displayed timer
Named NPC's turrets counting toward named NPC kills
Critical Save Talent not working/displaying buff icon
Booster Shot talent not providing damage resilience buff.
Game crashes when an explosion occurs in Falcon Lost
Performing a Heal while reloading can sometimes lead to an infinite reloading loop.
Subtitles are always on despite turning them off in the options
NPC grenade animation doesn't occur until a grenade explodes
All 3 Stats on weapon modifications isn't properly displayed in the UI
Invisible Cleaners in Dark Zone 1 extraction point
Steady hands does not refresh when you enter cover
Not able to scroll down the extracted items list with a mouse
Not able to interact with objects in the Underground Operation Center
Pulse Activation Delay
Not being able to use any weapons besides your secondary or skills after Ballistic Shield is put away
Missing Footstep sounds
PEQ-15 Laser - Orange only rolling minor stats
Dark Zone extraction bag not showing sealed Caches
Missions on the map showing recommended levels higher than 30
Dark Zone transfer message while you aren't in the Dark Zone
Settings reset every time the game is launched
Getting stuck on ladders
Gear graphical bug
Backpack Capacity issue
Smart Cover destroyed by enemy grenades while protected by cover

Additionally, some texts have not been updated in the current build. You will find the correct versions below:
Final Measure: 4 pieces: When in range of hostile grenades or mortars, defuses them and adds grenades to your inventory. Can only happen once every 15 seconds.
Hunter's Faith: 4 pieces: Hitting an enemy with a bullet grants you and your group temporary protection. The further your shot, the more protection. Each group member's protection disappears after getting hit by one hostile bullet.
Tactician’s Authority: 4 pieces: Every bullet you and your group lands on a hostile adds 0.2% skill power to you for a max of 30% bonus. Bonus lasts for 10 seconds of not being refreshed or 10 seconds of being at max.
