Call of Duty: Modern Warfare (2019) - PC játékok fórum




Egyelőre nem hivatalos infók:

- Map count(keep in mind these are estimates): 6-7 gunfight maps, 4 large maps, 12-15 normal maps​

- There is a perk called Pointman that turns your killstreaks into scorestreaks​

- Right now IW are testing for the winner of a BR game to earn a bonus rare supply drop​

- The Red Tiger camo is back​

- Shipment and the showers from gulag are the only remakes in multiplayer right now

- Aniyah is the name of one of the large multiplayer maps​

- There is a mode similar to team defender

-Create a class has been added to battle royale. There are objectives around the map and if you complete them you get the loadout you created​

-There is more options in custom games than ever before

-Akimbo is a weapon perk and right now is only for pistols​

-The large maps have 5 flags in domination, the normal maps have 3 as usual
