Facebook profil letiltás kapcsolt ismeretlen Instagram fiók miatt - Hálózat, szolgáltatók fórum




Sajnos nem :(
Az említett kérelmemre nem jött válasz azóta sem. 14-én meguntam a várakozást, beküldtem még egyszer. Ott fél órával rá jött a válasz, hogy bocsi, nem tudunk segíteni. Utána megint beküldtem, szokás szerint kaptam sorszámot, de azóta megint semmi. De lehet inkább megint beküldöm még egyszer...

Lassan már kezdem azt hinni, hogy valamit rosszul csinálok, vagy valamit rosszul írok bele a formba. De őszintén, mást nem tudok beleírni. Utóbbi időben már eléggé hivatalos stílusúra is fogalmaztam. Lényegében ezt küldöm el, kis változtatásokkal.

Dear Sir/Madam,
My story is the following:
My account has been suspended on 24.02.2024. due to a fake Instagram account that is not mine and I have no relation to it. When I try to log in to Facebook, I get the following message:
"Your account was suspended because your linked Instagram account ngokimngoc5435 doesn't follow our rules.
Log into your linked Instagram account to appeal our decision.
You may have the right to challenge our decision in your country's courts, or refer our decision to a certified dispute settlement body."

Naturally, I cannot log in to that account and appeal on Instagram because it is not mine and is not related to me.

I have tried writing multiple times to support@fb.com, appeals@fb.com, security@facebookmail.com, and platformcs@support.facebook.com, but I have received no answer. I even tried submitting forms through the Help Center in order to upload my ID, but the form did not work.

I have downloaded my information from Facebook, and I found that somebody logged in from Florida on 24.02.2024. shortly before my account received the ban. I have never been to Florida (nor to the USA) in my life, and I have been in Hungary that week - as evidenced by my activity log.
Would you be so kind to investigate my case?

My Facebook ID is: ...
URL: ...
The e-mail that I used for the profile is: ...
Phone number: ...
Thank you very much for your kind help.
Yours Sincerely,
