Adobe Lightroom topic - OS, alkalmazások fórum




valami hasonlot akartam en is irni, csak nem sikerult. Az meg, hogy a raw/nef uncompressed vagy compressed erosen vazfuggo, szerintem markafuggetlenul csak felsobb kategorias vazak tudjak.


Adobe Lightroom 4.4 Release Candidate

Uj vazak es lencseprofilok mellett a ezeket a dolgokat javitja, elvileg.

Fixed Issues

* The following issues have been fixed in Lightroom 4.4 release candidate:
* The crop overlay tool resized incorrectly when used in conjunction with the “Constrain to Crop” checkbox in the
Lens Correction panel
* Background graphics were not correctly rendered within the Book Module
* The supplied lens profile for the Sony RX-1 did not contain vignette information
* Previews of photos in portrait orientation were blurry when viewed in the filmstrip in the Develop module. (Mac only)
* Stack badges displayed the wrong count when creating new stack that included a preexisting stack.
* The Filter scrollbar within the Library module was not rendering properly.

Nem probaltam, most talaltam az LR FB oldalan. Par hsz-ben irjak a felhasznalok, hogy mintha gyorsult volna.
