Reklámblokkolók topikja - OS, alkalmazások fórum




What's the difference between AdBlock and Adblock Plus (ABP)?

◼AdBlock comes with the Malware Protection filter list already enabled. Right out of the box, so to speak, AdBlock is serving as a second line of defense against malware.
◼While both AdBlock and ABP get most of their ad-blocking mojo from EasyList, AdBlock also uses a custom list with additional filters that, among other things, block ads that other filter lists don't care about.
◼AdBlock offers several additional filter lists right in the options, including lists that protect you from trackers and remove annoyances other than ads.
◼You can disable AdBlock on individual pages. (In Firefox, ABP can also be disabled on individual pages. In Chrome, however, ABP is either on or off for the entire site.)
◼In AdBlock's advanced mode, you can see all the resources (ads and other page elements) it's blocking, hiding, and letting through.
◼AdBlock allows you to whitelist specific YouTube channels you want to support. (True fact: AdBlock is the only ad blocker that allows this.)
◼The user interface (UI). In other words, AdBlock and ABP just plain look different.

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