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Tom Clancy's: The Division új topikösszefoglaló.

[ Szerkesztve ]


Utoljára frissítve: 2018.03.21

Magáról a játékról általánosságban és röviden:

A The Division alapból két nagy részre osztható. Az egyik amelyben a sztorit göngyölíthetjük fel New York utcáin, mindezt akár egyedül, akár legfeljebb 3 társunkkal együtt. A kommunikációt segíti, hogy a játék mindegyik kiadásában megtalálható a proximity chat, vagyis külső program nélkül is beszélgethetünk társainkkal, ha a közelünkben van. Ez a rész gyakorlatilag az első szinttől, ahol kezdjük a játékot a 30-as szintig tart.

Itt jön be a második nagyobb rész maga a végjáték (a folyamatos farmolás és fejlődés igazából, illetve a különböző patchek és bejött változtatások miatti "újratervezés és kalibrálás), amiről igazából később és sokkal bővebben.

Az első rész függően attól, hogy magad akarod végigcsinálni vagy segítséggel, - minden kis melléksztorit végighallgatva és szétnézve a katasztrófa sújtotta New Yorkban (ami egyébként nagyon hangulatos, helyenként szemkápráztató módon, máshol meg nagyon nyomasztó, igazi apokaliptikus hangulatú, főleg a napszakok és az időjárás változásai és annak megvalósítása miatt)- körülbelül 20-40 óra alatt meg lehet csinálni, ha van társ, aki segít karaktert húzni, akkor pár óra alatt ez is megvan, ennek a leírását a topik összefoglalóban ugyancsak linkeltük.
Első alkalommal (vagy legalább 1x érdemes egyedül végigtolni), úgyis 4 karakterünk lehet, amik bizonyos szempontból külön életet élnek.

A The Divisionben helyet kapott egy komplex craftolási rendszer, amelynek lényege, hogy különböző alapanyagokból (ezeket tárgyak és fegyverek betöréséért is kapunk), új tárgyakat tudunk létrehozni.
Erről is bővebben a craftolás és fejlesztés résznél.

A játék területei is több részre oszthatóak, de lesznek területek és küldetések, amelyek csak a 30. szint elérése után lesznek elérhetőek és játszhatóak, de 30-as szint alatt is már két fő részre osztható az amúgy hatalmas játékterület, az egyik a térképen középpontban lévő Dark Zone (hülye magyar fordítás a Fekete Zóna), a másik pedig az összes többi rész, ami 30-as szint alatt kizárólag PvE, utána is, de már lesz terület, ahol PvP mód is indítható.
A játék jellemzően COOP módra épít, a legnehezebb fokozaton leginkább csak csapatban lehet megcsinálni, de vannak buildek amelyekkel le lehet szólózni, de vannak küldetések, ahova feltétlenül kell a több, de leginkább a 4 ember, bár a küldetéseknél az ellenek ereje és száma hozzá igazodik a küldetésben részt vevőek számához, azaz adott esetben egyedül jóval kevesebb és könnyebb ellenfelekkel kell megküzdeni.

Minden másról később és bővebben...

[ Szerkesztve ]


Utoljára frissítve: 2018.04.16


Nyelv és feliratozás minden esetben: [link]

● Standard kiadás
Csomag Tartalma: alapjáték

● GOLD kiadás
Csomag tartalma: alapjáték+season pass

● Gyűjtői kiadás elvileg ezt tartalmazta, az elérhetősége kérdéses
Csomag tartalma: alapjáték, season pass, gyűjtői doboz, poszter, művészeti album, karra rögzíthető tárolóegység, ügynök karóra replika
Bolt függő előrendelői extrák:póló (M,L,XL), sapka, poszter (érkezési sorrendben)

●Season Pass

A Season Pass tartalma:
A három nagyobb fizetős DLC-t tartalmazza alapból a Season Pass:

- Expansion I: Underground - Megnyílik egy teljesen új terület, amelyben a város föld alatti világát fedezhetjük majd fel kooperatív módban a társainkkal. Ehhez a DLC-hez kötődik még a Sárkányfészek betörés küldetés, mely csak a DLC-vel rendelkezők számára elérhető.

- Expansion II: Survival - Egyfajta túlélő mód, 1 pisztollyal, minden más felszerelés nélkül kell lejutnunk a DZ-be, ahol a vírus ellenszert megtalálva kimenekülni, közben lootolni, craftolni és fejlődni kell, hogy legyen esélyünk az egyre nehezedő ellenségekkel, végül pedig az először itt megjelenő Hunterekkel szemben...

- Expansion III:The Last Stand - Az első PvP igazán klasszikus PvP mód, 8 vs 8 csapatok küzdenek egymással.

- Havi 2x-i PvE területen supply drop (minden hó 1-én és 15-én), meg még néhány skint és ilyesmit, amik egyszeri jutalmak.

Ha új vásárló valaki, akkor érdemes lehet azonnal a GOLD verziót megvenni, főleg ha árban jobban jön ki, mert a plusz tartalmak mindenképpen dobnak annyit az alap játékhoz, hogy bátran állíthatjuk, hogy megéri a felárat.

[ Szerkesztve ]


Utoljára frissítve: 2018.06.18


Itt egy táblázat a WT5-ön elérhető küldetésekről és nehézségekről, 30. szint után.
30. szint alatt csak a sztori küldetések érhetőek el.

Leírást nem eszközölnék a legtöbb küldetéshez, egyrészt mindegyikről millió +1 YT videó található a neten, másrészt adja magát a feladat, de lent azért néhány ki van bontva.

Bővebben néhány infó:

Elérhetőek a napi és heti feladatok, melyek a story küldetések újrajátszása megadott nehézségen különböző jutalmakért. Szintén elérhetővé válnak a High Value Target (HVT) küldetések, ahol adott területen kell likvidálni a célpontot. Ezek a küldetések a Terminálban a bejárattól jobbra található két emberkénél indíthatóak.
A küldetések elindításához szükséged lesz Intelekre, melyeket úgy tudsz megszerezni, hogy a safehouse-ban található térkép bescannelése után, a térképen megjelölt helyeken kiiktatod a rosszfiúkat, majd ha megvan mind visszamész a térképhez és leadod a küldetést. Ahhoz, hogy az Intelgyűjtés elérhető legyen az adott safehousba feltétel, hogy az összes ahhoz tartozó mellékküldetést teljesítsd előtte! De célpontinfót dobálhatnak a lelőtt mobok is, nem utolsó sorban a heti megszerzett exo ládák 51 db-t tartalmaznak, érdemesebb a heti exo ládás küldetéseket megcsinálni.

PVE Boss-ok:
Az 1.4-es patch-el újra megjelentek a PVE területen a Bossok akik 4 óránként respawnolnak és általában jó cuccokat dobálnak. Az alábbi térképen megtalálod a pontos helyüket és a legrövidebb útvonalat hozzájuk.
A bossok dobhatnak CF és exo cuccokat is.

Fizetős DLC formájában jelenleg 2 új játékmód érhető el (hamarosan jön az 1.6 és a Last Stand).
Az első az Undergound, ami föld alatti területen játszódik randomgenerált pályán, többféle küldetéssel. Itt külön UG szintek vannak, a maximum a lvl 40. Ahogy szinteket lépsz elérhetőek különböző nehezítések illetve többfázisos küldetés is indítható lesz. Értelemszerűen több fázis és több nehezítés esetén a jutalom is magasabb a végén! Ez a játékmód a Terminálon keresztül érhető el. Ahhoz, hogy megnyíljon a terminal teljesíteni kell egy küldetést a PVE területen.

A második a Survival, ahol egyedül vagy csapatban kell eljutnod a Dark Zone-ba, megszerezni a vírus ellenszerét és kimenteni azt! Teljesen alap felszereléseel indulsz, vérmérgezésed van így csekély a túlélés esélye, a hatalmas hóviharban és -40 fokban. Szerintem az egyik leghangulatosabb játékmód! Random helyen indulsz a PVE területen, folyamatosan figyelned kell a felvehető cuccokra (víz, csoki, elsősegély csomag, fájdalomcsillapító, gyógyszer, kaja, különböző alapanyagok), a ruhádat is tudod fejleszteni, így egyre ellenállóbbá válhatsz a hideg ellen. Érdemes meglátogatni a lezuhant helikopter roncsokat és a nevezetes pontokat. A DZ-hez közeledve egyre erősebbek a mobok így nem árt ha nem alap cuccban közelíted meg. A belépéshez szükséged lesz alap vírusszűrőre, bent a kimentéshez előbb meg kell szerezned az ellenszert és divtechet, le kell gyártanod egy jelzőpisztolyt, hogy tudj kimentést hívni, majd ki kell vinned a cuccot. Ez a játékmód is a Terminal-ból érhető el.

Globális események / Gobal Eventek
Időszakonként visszatérő speciális esemény, ami érinti szinte a játék egészét (Survivalt kivéve).
A lényeg:
Minden GE 3 módosítást tartalmaz, ami van, hogy nehezít, de van, hogy nagy könnyebbséget ad.
Az első módosító az általánosan érvényes, azaz a bejelentett időszak elindultával a módosítóra jellemző él minden területen. A 2. és 3. módosító, viszont csak az adott GE speciális küldetéseinek az indításakor lehet beállítani.
Jellemzően az első 4 GE alatt lehetett nagy eséllyel megszerezni a Classified cuccokat, mivel azon kívül nagyon kis eséllyel dobja jelenleg a játék, ez 1.8.1-el változik.
Az 5. és 6. GE-ről egy kis infó:

[ Szerkesztve ]


Utoljára frissítve: 2018.03.21


Ahogy eléred a 30-as szintet, onnantól kezdve nagyon megváltoznak a dolgok, és függően attól, hogy egyedül küzdöd magad végig, vagy mások segítenek, esetleg sokadik karaktered, ezek meghatározzák, hogy mit hogyan és főleg mennyi idő alatt tudsz megcsinálni.
A lenti leírás elsősorban azoknak szól, akik most kezdenek bele és egyedül tolták, mivel ha van segítség, vagy 2-3-4. karakter, akkor úgyis ugrik az ember szinte azonnal a Wolrd Tier 5-re.
Szóval kezdjük:

World Tier/Világfokozat:
1.5-ös patch-el megjelent a játékban 5 féle World Tier (Világfokozat), fokozattól függően skálázódnak a MOB-ok, a küldetések nehézsége, a loot és a rajtad lévő felszerelés is. Értelem szerűen érdemes minél előbb a Tier 5-re törekedni, mert csak itt esnek a 256-os cuccok, alacsonyabb Tier-ben alacsonyabb GS-ű loot esik! A fokozat váltás a térképen lehetséges, írja is, hogy melyik fokozathoz mi az ajánlott minimum GS!
A GS rendszer megváltozott az 1.8-al patchel, mivel innentől kezdve az adott gear kimaxolható (azaz emelkedik a GS-ja is az adott itemnek) WT5 és GS256 alatt NEM érdemes semmit sem kimaxolni, hanem a cél, hogy minél előtt WT5-be kerülj. Kicsit felesleges az itteni "betanulás", sokkal jobban jársz, ha szerzel pár ismerőst, akik már WT5-ben tolják régebb óta és dobnak neked cuccokat, amivel tudsz gearelődni és fejlődni.


Gear Score/Ger Szet itemek:
Ha elérted a 30-as szintet akkor kezdődik igazából a játék, elérhetővé válik az End Game tartalom, indulhat a végtelen farmolás, a lootvadászat és persze a PvP! Ezen a ponton már nem a szintedet írja ki a játék, hanem az úgynevezett Gear Score (továbbiakban GS) látható ami a nálad/rajtad lévő felszerelés és fegyverek GS pont átlaga alapján kapott érték.
Jelenleg a maximális GS 291 ami abban az esetben érhető el ha minden Gear Set Item (továbbiakban GSI) ami rajtad van 256-os alap GS-ű, és ki is maxoltad.
Ezt úgy kell elképzelni, hogy amikor kapsz egy cuccost, akkor annak van egy alap GS-e, de ha maxolod, akkor eléri az adott szintre jellemző maximum GS-t.
Példa: egy 256 GS-ű kesztyű esetén amikor kiesik lootként, akkor a GS-t az alapján határozza meg, hogy a kesztyűn az adott értékek mennyire vannak az elméleti maximumhoz, minél magasabbak a tulajdonságok értékei, annál magasabb a GS, minél alacsonyabb, annál alacsonyabb a GS. A GS még önmagában semmit sem jelent, maximum annyit, hogy mennyire maximumhoz közeliek a rajta lévő értékek, ettől SOKKAL és EGYÁLTALÁN fontosabb, hogy a TULAJDONSÁGOK használhatóak legyenek rajta. Ha alacsony a GS, de jó tulajdonságok vannak rajta, akkor csak DIVISION TECH kérdése, hogy kimaxold!

Jelenleg 3 féle szetitem az, amit érdemes lehet használni (normál zöld, CF zöld, Exo), de ezen túl vannak persze a High End (sárga/arany) cuccok is, melyek közül vannak olyan tulajdonsággal bíró itemek, amelyek adott esetben jobbak lehetnek, semmint pl egy hatos szett.

* Sárga (High end) itemek: Ezeket elsősorban addig, ameddig nincsenek meg a szetitemek összeszedve, illetve esetleg normál szetitemekkel együtt. Bárhol eshetnek, akár egy lelőtt legkisebb (piros) ellenfélből is. Ezek önmagukban is adnak bónuszt, az adott item leírásának megfelelően.

* Normál szetitemek (zöld cuccok): Ezekből 4-es szettek rakhatóak össze, ami +3 bónuszt jelent (a lenti tábla szerint). Bárhol eshetnek, akár egy lelőtt legkisebb (piros) ellenfélből is, de csak addig érdemes ezeket használni, amíg nem szerzed meg a Classified itemeket az adott típusból. A max alap érték: 1272 (TF/ST/EL). Ezek csak több darab viselésével adnak bónuszt, 2 db-nál az első bónusz és így tovább (kivéve Ninja Bike használatával, lásd később). Amíg nem gyűlik ki a hatos szett a CF itemekből az adott gearhez, addig lehet keverni a normál és CF cuccokat is, de így maximum a 4-es szett bónuszáig adja meg, azaz felesleges 3 CF + 3 normál itemet összerakni.

* Exo cuccok: Minden típusú szetitemből van egy EXO nevesített szetitem, sajátos tulajdonságokkal. A Classified szetitemek megjelenése óta (1.7 patch illetve az első GE), már nem annyira használt, talán a Ninja Bike és a Barret mellény. Ezek önmagukban is adják a nevesített bónuszt.

* Classified szetitemek (zöld, kis mappa ikonnal): Ezek jelentik jelenleg a maximumot, ezeknek a megszerzése a cél, mivel az alap értékek (Tűzfegyver, Stamina, Elektronika) eleve magasabbak rajtuk mint a kisebb itemeké! Itt ez már 1401! Illetve ezeknél van már 5-ös és 6-os bónusz is.
Figyelem!!! Az 5-ös és 6-os bónusz nem működik a Ninja Bike-al, de 4-es bónuszig lehet keverni a normál és CF itemet is.

A jelenlegi gear szetitemek és bónuszaik (1.8 update):

Megjegyzés ehhez a képhez, hogy a Ninja Bike tulajdonsága megváltozott: Immár azt csinálja, hogy ha van valamiből 2 szetitemed, akkor ugye elvileg csak az első bónusz él, de ha van mellé berakva egy Ninja Bike, akkor él a 2. bónusz is. Fontos, hogy a Ninja bónusza nem működik az 5. és 6. bónusszal, azaz hiába teszel be pl 4 CF Striker mellé egy Ninját, nem lesz meg az 5-ös bónusz.

Értelemszerűen a cél, hogy mindenből meglegyen a hatos szett és megfelelő tálentekkel. Persze van ahol jó lehet keverve sárga/exo cucokkal (pl megfelelő tulajdonságú táska vagy ami jó lehet az elképzelésnek), de sokszor lehet összerakni 2-3 szettet is a Ninja Bike-al együtt a különböző bónuszokért. Jellemző, hogy mindenki a Classified (innentől CF) itemekért megy, még ha Ninja Bike-al rakja is össze a magasabb alap értékek miatt.


Tervrajzok, Craftolás, Kalibrálás, Optimalizálás (Maxolás):


A játékon belül vásárolhatóak különböző tervrajzok, úgymint:
* Fegyverek
* Szetitemek
* High end itemek
* Fegyver kiegek
* Módosítók

2 helyen lehet vásárolni:
* Terminál speciális tervrajz árus
* Camp Clinton (1.8-al jött be) ugyancsak speciális tervrajz árus

Ezek azért fontosak, mert a random generált loot miatt viszonylag kevés az esély, hogy az általad várt típus a pont megfelelő tulajdonságokkal és azon belül is megfelelő értékekkel esik ki.

Nagyon sok tervrajz jön bónuszként, amikor csinálod a 0-30 Lvl küldetéseket, de nagyon sok és főleg fontos tervrajzot viszont meg kell venni, igazából érdemes mindet megvenni, mivel számtalan esetben bebizonyosodott, hogy akár egy kisebb GS fegyver (mivel kisebb a TF/ST/EL igénye) megfelelő tálentekkel használható bizonyos buildeknél, vagy pl kifejezetten jó példa erre a pisztoly, ahol a tálentek miatt kisebb GS fegyvert craftol az ember. (ezt azért, mert a kisebb GS fegyvereknél kisebb az TF/ST/EL igény, hogy akítv legyen a tálent)
A fenti árusoknál minden héten frissül a kínálat, ugyancsak szombat hajnal 1 órakor (CET), de a tervrajzok száma véges, azaz egy idő után már nem lesz mit megvenni.
Ökölszabályként: először minden 256-os tervrajzot vegyél meg (illetve módosítókból a lvl 30, de 34-es minőségűeket), azután pedig ahogy lesz Phonix kredited a többit is folyamatosan, ki tudja még, hogy mikor jön jókor, hogy meglegyen, sok példa volt már erre, hogy jól jöttek a kisebb tervrajzok is!


A fent leírt tervrajzokból tudsz - megfelelő mennyiségű és minőségű alapanyagból - különböző dolgokat craftolni.
Amit érdemes lehet craftolni:
* Fegyverek (Könnyű M4, SVD, néhány pisztoly)
* Fegyver kiegeket
* Gear módosítókat
* Adott esetben sárga gear itemeket, amik kellhetnek (ritka, de jó példa a pl RENDÍTHETETLEN vagy LELEMÉNYES hátizsák jól jöhet a CF Taktikus elektronikás szetthez).

Felhasznált alapanyagok:
Szerszám, Fegyveralkatrész, Szövet, Elektronika. (ebből is megkülönböztetve 3-3 minőség szintet)
Ezekből mindegyikből maximum 4000-4000db lehet nálad, utána már nem gyűjti. (a 4 karakteren összesen)

A különböző GS és típus tervrajzoknak különböző az alapanyag igénye, mindegyik más mennyiségű és minőségű alkatrész kell hozzájuk.

Egy idő után nem nagyon fogsz Craftolni (bocs, a szép magyar szóért), mert egyrészt:
* hasonló eséllyel esik ki jó cuccos mint a normál lootolás alatt
* kevés az igazán használható tervrajz (elsősorban néhány fegyver, fegyverkiegek, gear modok)

Amiért mégis kraftolunk:
* Ha kell egy olyan tálentes fegyver, ami még éppen nincs, és legalább 2 tálent jó rajta ami kell, és megfelelő helyen is vannak, akkor azért craftol az ember.
* Felhasználva az alapanyagot pl "divtech gyártás": Legyártasz az alacsony GS Damascusból, ami exo fegyver, amennyit csak kell és van hozzá alapanyagod, és összetörve kapsz vissza 1db Fegyveralkatrészt és 1db Divtechet.
* Ha nagyon a maximum közelében jársz, akkor azért az alapanyagból divtechen túl lehet normál kreditet is csinálni, azaz lecraftolod a dolgokat, és eladod. Vigyázz a különböző fegyvereknek, gear itemeknek különböző az értéke is, érdemesebb a drágábbakból craftolni ha szükséged lenne pénzre.
* Alacsonyabb szintű alapanyagot magasabb szintűvé konvertálsz
* Néha a napi feladat olyan, amit craftolással tudsz megcsinálni (pl alapanyag alacsonyabb szintről magasabbra való konvertálása)

Ha valamit legyártottál de nem kell, akkor összetörheted visszakapva egy kevés alapanyagot, vagy eladhatod. Az eladás többnyire hasznosabb, kivéve persze az előbb is említett 163 GS Damascust, amit pont a divtechért kraftolunk.
Craftoló állomások: BoO, Terminál, Camp Clinton


Kalibrálásra azért van szükség, mert nagyon minimális az esély, hogy a lootként kapott vagy kalibrált cuccos az mindenben megfelel a kívánalmaidnak.

3 helyen van kalibrálásra lehetőség: BoO, Terminál. Camp Clinton

Kalibrálni az alábbiakat lehet:
* Fegyverek
* Gear itemek

A 3 tálentből 1-et tudsz átpörgetni egy másik talentre, utána már csak ezt az egyet tudod pörgetni.
A cserére kiválasztott tálenten elindítod a kalibrálást, és fel fog dobni egy listát, hogy az adott kalibrálásnál melyikre tudod cserélni. Minden kalibálásnál új listát dob fel, ha nagyon nem akarja adni az általunk kívánt tálentet, akkor érdemes random másikra átkalibrálni, és így ugrálni, míg nem beadja a kívánt tálentet.
EXO fegyvereknél az exo fegyver saját tulajdonságát NEM lehet elkalibrálni!

Amibe kerül: egyre növekvő Phonex kredit (500 a max egy idő után) + Weapon kit (ezt lehet kraftolni alapanyagból, de sokkal inkább ládákból pl exo ládák, Phonix creditért vehető ládákból is fixen esik, illetve ugyancsak mobokból is esik, igazából ezt felesleges craftolni, de a hozzá való tervrjazot érdemes megvenni)

Ger itemeken:
Itt meg kell különböztetni a CF és nem CF cuccokat:
A nem CF cuccokon 1 értéket tudsz átpörgetni, utána már csak azt tudod változtatni.
A CF cuccokon pedig 2 értéket.
Az ezeken történő átkalibrálás csak egyre növekvő normál kreditbe kerül (5. kalibrálásig növekszik, utána már fixen ugyanannyiba kerül), azaz viszonylag olcsón meg lehet úszni. Páncélértéket egyelőre sajnos nem lehet kalibrálni.

Érdemes átgondolni, hogy melyiket és hogyan kalibrálod át, mivel onnantól kezdve meghatározod annak a gear itemnek a "sorsát".

Fegyver kiegeket és gear módosítókat sajnos nem lehet kalibrálni.

* Felesleges túl sokat elkölteni nem CF cuccok kalibrálására, előbb utóbb fog esni CF cuccos!
* CF cuccosok közül azok a jók (elsősorban) aminknek viszonylag magas a páncélértékük, és a 2 fajta tulajdonság közül csak egyet kell esetleg átkalibrálni, mivel ezeken a CF itemeken jó az, ha a fő érték (TF/ST/EL) kalibrálható marad. De persze egy full staminás Ragadozót ne dobj ki, ha 2 másik tulajdonságot kell rajta átkalibrálni, amikor is az adott CF item bónuszai úgyis meghatározzák, hogy mire érdemes rollolni (pl Ragadozó, D3, Taktikus, DeadEye, HunterFaith, stb.)

Optimalizálás (maxolás)
1.8-al szerencsére bejött az optimalizálás (nevezzük inkább maxolásnak), amivel (és jóóóóó soooook Divtechel) ki lehet maxolni az adott fegyvert vagy gear itemet.

A lényege:
Ha van egy jó tálentekkel, de alacsony sebzéssel és altulajdonsággal rendelkező fegyverünk (pl egy SMG-nél alacsony CHC), akkor az Optimalizáló állomáson ki lehet maxolni a sebzést, illetve az adott fegyverre jellemző altulajdonságot is, ezzel együtt emelni az adott fegyver GS-ét.
Ugyan így működik a gear itemeknél is, minden értéket egy bizonyos mennyiséggel feljebb és feljebb visz, mígnem minden érték maximális nem lesz (páncélértéket is beleértve)

Amibe kerül:
50!!!!!! Division technológia
200.000 normál kredit.
Ebből a divtech az ami nagyon lassan tud összegyűlni, és piszok hamar el tud fogyni. De jó hír, hogy 1.8.1-el új helyeken is eshet majd divtech.

* CF szint alatt nem érdemes semmit sem maxolni, kivéve azt a néhány itemet, amit speciális tulajdonsága miatt mégis használsz a CF cuccok mellett.
* Maxolás előtt érdemes a lehetőségekhez mérten kalibrálással felvinni a kalibrált értéket maximum közeli állapotra, hogy adott esetben kevesebbe kerüljön a maxolás
* Egy kisebb páncélértékű de magasabb és jobb tulajdonságokkal rendelkező item nagy általánosságban sokkal jobb, mint egy magas páncélértékű, de kevésbé jó tulajdonságokkal rendelkező item.

Ebből 2 helyen található állomás: Terminál, Camp Clinton

[ Szerkesztve ]


Utoljára frissítve: 2018.06.27


Az Endgame a játékban a folyamatos farmolás és fejlődés, illetve a PvP.

Okulva abból, hogy mindenki másképpen hívja, ezért egy rögtönzött szótár, ehhez a leíráshoz:
Itemek: minden olyan szetitem (sárga, zöld, CF) vagy fegyver, amit lehet használni a karakteren
Módosítók: fegyverkiegészítők, felszerelés módosítók
Alapanyag: fegyveralkatrész, elektronika, szövet, szerszámok

Normál (alap zöld és sárga) itemek és fegyverek, illetve minden fegyverkiegészítő és gearmódosítók lelőhelyei:
* Tervrajz és megfelelő mennyiségű alapanyag megléte esetén tudsz craftolni
* Minden küldetés ad jutalmat, ezt a küldetés indításánál kiírja, függ, hogy éppen milyen WT-ben vagy, illetve milyen nehézségen indítod
* Minden lelőtt mob dobhat, amit te vagy csapattársad lelő (nem kell, hogy te is lőjél bele, akkor is dobhat)
* Lehet vásárolni, heti kínálat változás van, érdemes szétnézni, mert van, hogy nagyon jó cuccokat lehet vásárolni (LINK)
* Vásárolható ládákból (Normál credit vagy Phoenix credit) esik fixen
* PvE területen minden kill és küldetés elvégzése után kapsz XP-t, 400.000 XP-ként kapsz 1 ládát, amiket kinyitva esik fixen
* Napi küldetésekért kapott ládákból esik fixen
* Underground/Survival/Last Stand/Skirmish/Resistance küldetésekből kapott ládákból is esik, Underground pedig PvE területként is működik, azaz a mobokból is eshet különböző item.
* Minden mob dobhat, de azokat ki kell még menteni
* Supply megszerzéséért van jutalom (nem kell kimenteni)
* Landmark kitakarításáért van jutalom (nem kell kimenteni)
* Contemination event alatt az adott landmark kitakarításáért járó jutalom (nem kell kimenteni)
* DZ-ben felvehető: kék/lila/sárga/zöld ládából kimentés után kinyitva
* DZ kulcsos ládák (ki kell menteni)
* Rogue/Manhunt lelövéséért jutalom láda (nem kell kimenteni)
* Teljesített manhuntból kapott láda (nem kell kimenteni)
* Játékosokból ;]

Exo cuccok lelőhelyei:
* Az incursionök hetente 1x (szombat hajnal 1-kor van a hét váltás a mi időzónánk szerint), a küldetés legnehezebb fokozaton való teljesítéséért adnak 1 db exo ládát, amiből fixen valamilyen exo fegyver vagy szetitem eshet.
* Legendás küldetések hetente 1x karakterenként: jelenleg 3 Legendás küldetés elérhető (Napalm, Time Square, Warren Gate, Amherst és a Grand Central.
* Az Amherst lakása és Grand Central küldetés HUNTERei fixn dobnak egy exot, vigyázz, ha a küldetés alatt wipe-ol a csapat (azaz mindenki meghal), akkor elvileg nincs a végén Hunter!
* Heti küldetés teljesítéséért (Normál heti + Survival + Underground) fixen 1 db
* PvE bossokból (küldetésen lelőtt bossokból is, Underground is!)
* Van néhány exo fegyver tervrajz, amit a lvl30-ig megcsinált küldetésekért kapsz, amit megfelelő mennyiségű alapanyag megléte esetén tudsz craftolni
* A 400.000 XP-ért kapott ládából bónuszként
* Global Event alatt GE kreditért vásárolt ládákból is elég nagy eséllyel eshet
* Prémium árusnál lehet venni Phonix creditért
* Játékosokból (ki kell menteni) ;]
* DZ bossok dobhatnak (ki kell menteni)
* Supply megszerzéséért van jutalom (nem kell kimenteni)
* Fertőzési esemény terület kitakarításáért jutalomként (nem kell kimenteni)
1.8.1-el változás: azok az exo cuccok, amiket lehet a vendornál venni azok nem fognak esni az exo ládákból és Open World bossokból

CF cuccok lelőhelyei:
* GE alatt szerzett GE kreditből vásárolt GE ládákból eshet az adott GE-hez kötődő szetthez item, viszonylag magas droprate-el, illetve az adott GE-re jellemzőnél lehet venni olyat, amit te választasz ki, hogy melyik szettből, és fixen lesz benne 1.
* PvE bossok (küldetés bossok nem dobnak)
* Legendás küldetések jutalmaként 20% eséllyel eshet CF cuccos
* A 400.000 XP-ért kapott ládából bónuszként
* A 200 Phonix kreditért megvásárolható zöld ládából eshet bónuszként (kicsi az esély)
* Heti küldetés ládából eshet
* PvP 5 szintenként kapott ládából esik CF item
* 2500 Phoenix creditért lehet venni, amiben fixen van 1 db CF
* Season Pass Supply drop dobhat 10% eséllyel
* Survival cashes dobhatnak 10% eséllyel
* Játékosokból ;] (ki kell menteni)
* DZ bossokból (ki kell menteni)
* Kulcsos ládából nyitva (ki kell menteni)
* Supply megszerzéséért járó jutalom (nem kell kimenteni)
* Fertőzési esemény terület kitakarításáért jutalomként (nem kell kimenteni)

Division tech lelőhelyei:
* Heti exo ládák dobhatnak: 23-38, random
* Exo és CF cuccok összetörése esetén fixen ad cucconként 1-1 db-t
* Normál sárga és zöld cuccok összetörése esetén random adhat cucconként 1-1 db-t
* West Side Pier PvE területen megjelenő kis küldetésekért jár fixen divtech
* West Side Pier ládák nyitásából
* A 2500 Phoenix creditért vásárolható CF láda dobhat 22-38 közötti Divtechet
* GE esemény alatt a 3000 GE credtiért vásárolható CF láda dobhat 22-38 közötti Divtechet
* Lelőtt mobok dobhatnak
* Divtech ládák kinyitásával (1 láda 1 db divtech)
* Landmark kitakarítása fixen 1 db
* Kék/Lila/Sárga/Zöld kimentett ládák tól-ig határral adnak divtechet, értelemszerűen a zöld adhat a legtöbbet.
Napi és heti küldetés ládákban:
25 db - Napi harci, napi craftolós, napi survival, napi DZ ládákban
100 db - Heti PvE ládákban, Heti Underground ládákban
100 db - Season Pass Supply drop ládákban (havonta 2x karakterenként)

Phoenix credit lelőhelyei
* Lehet vásárolni Uplay pontokért :DDD (költsd hasznosabbra, még véletlenül SEM ERRE!)
* Küldetések befejezéséért jutalom
* Különböző ládákból fix kieső jutalom
* Bossok lelövéséért jutalom
* Bossok lelövéséért jutalom

GE Credit lelőhelyei
Értelem szerűen csak Global Event alatt lehet GE Creditet szerezni
* Minden küldetés ad GE kreditet a küldetés teljesítéséért, az adott GE kiemelt küldetései a beállított plusz nehézségért + kreditet adnak (általánosságban nem éri meg, maximum a commendationok elvégzéséért érdemes beállítani)
* Minden lelőtt boss dob GE kreditet (Resistance bossok is dobank 100-at)
* Minden lelőtt boss dob GE kreditet


Forrás: reddit

West Side Pier telefonok leőlhelye:

[ Szerkesztve ]


Utoljára frissítve: 2018.03.21


A Brooklyn részt egyedül kell megcsinálnod, majd juss el Manhattenbe, és ott juss el a BoO-ra.
Ezen a ponton lesz szükséged egy barátra, aki megfelelő gearben "el tud vinni a hátán", azaz veled együtt letolja a küldetéseket.
• A kiskarakteres mindig olyan gearben (az aktuális szintnek megfelelően) legyen (még ha ezzel csökken a DPS meg a többiek) ami PLUSZ XP-t ad killre, vagy bármilyen akcióra (pl mellényen, maszkon, térdvédőn, illetve módosítók is vannak amik plusz XP-t adnak.)
• A küldetéseket elég NORMÁL fokozaton lenyomni, a nehezebb nem ad több XP-t, max ha több nagyobb gear-es játékos van, akkor, hogy ne „unatkozzanak”.
• A kiskarakterrel mindig bújni kell, mert a legerősebb játékos szintjéhez szintezi a játék a mobok erősségét, így gyakorlatilag 1 lövés elég, hogy feküdjön a kiskarakter.

Sorrend, ahogy érdemes végignyomni:
1., A nagy karakterhez csatlakozzon be a kis karakterhez, majd gyors utazással oldják fel a SAFE HOUSE-okat, ott beszélni a JTF tiszttel és a mellékküldetéseket is érdemes feloldani egyúttal.

2., Ha megvolt a kör, akkor lépjen ki a nagykarakteres, és csatlakozzon rá a kiskarakteres.

3., A 3 fő küldetést kell először lenyomni (Metró, Lincoln, Medison), feloldva ezzel a BoO szárnyakat, és ott kiváltani azokat a képességeket, amik plusz XP-t adnak, illetve az orvosi szárnyban a szűrőt fejleszteni. Érdemes folyamatosan fejleszteni is a BoO-t, mert lehetnek olyan képességek, amik hasznosak lehetnek, pl heal láda, ami feltámasztja az elesett ügynököt, vagy pulse. Azért a kicsi csatlakozzon be a nagyhoz, hogy a nagy karakter ahol lehet a legmagasabb nehézséggel indítsa a küldetés (pl Lincoln Kihíváson), mert az több XP-t ad, és annyit ad a kiskarakteresnek is.

Ezek után több lehetőség is van:
4a., Ha ez megvan, akkor utána a sztori küldetéseket kell csinálni, mégpedig a történet szempontjából visszafelé (azaz az ENSZ székházzal kezdve) mivel a történetben későbbi küldetések több XP-t adnak) azaz jobb oldalon lefelé haladva (óramutató járásával megegyező módon). Jó esetben már a sztori küldetésekkel meglesz a 30-as szint, utána már felöltöztetve a karaktert lehet kitakarítani a térképet.

4b., A 3 fő küldetés után csak annyi küldetést lenyomni, amivel a plusz XP perk kiváltható, utána pedig nonstop Lexi farm kihíváson a több küldetés XP-ért

4c., Vannak olyan küldetések, ahol kill-t lehet farmolni, azaz non-stop jönnek a mobok egy bizonyos ideig, jellemzően pl a Tiszta Égbolt / Clear Sky. Itt az első részen, amíg nem telepíted az első bombát, addig folyamatosan jönnek a mobok, de még nem lő a gránátvető. Itt ha lemennek WT2-be, és alap nehézséggel (Kihívás), akkor egy jó DPS, vagy Taktikus szettel (turret+seekr) folyamatosan lehet a mobokat írtani, és a kiskarakteres is folyamatosan kapja az XP-t.

Ez nem túl szórakoztató, de a heti jutalmak miatt jól jöhet a több karakter, nem beszélve a plusz helyről!

[ Szerkesztve ]


Utoljára frissítve: 2018.03.23


Ahol kb ez történik a jól nevelt és szituált emberekkel:

1., Betévedtünk a DZ-be...

2., Na, jó, csak egy kis farmolás...

3., Bocs Szamár, de kiléptem a csoportból, mert kellett a fullos House-od...

4., És amikor előtör belőled a benned szunnyadó TIGRIS...

5., És mire észbe kapsz, ezt tette veled a DZ...

Egy kicsit komolyra fordítva a szót:
A Dark Zone (amit az ügyes fordítók Fekete Zónának fordítottak) lett volna a játék története szerint New York Karantén zónája, amit persze a jól ismert amerikai filmes klisé szerint nem sikerül megvalósítani, és most a 4 frakció uralja, de sok értékes cucc maradt, amiért megéri - akár az életünk kockáztatásával is - de bemenni.

Ez hely PvE és PvP is egyben:
PvE, mert van sok landmark (nevesített szám szerint 25, de ettől jóval több helyen vannak még bossok, akik nem nevesített területen járőröznek) ezeket "kitakarítva" (plusz ládákat nyitva) szedhetünk össze gyakorlatilag minden, a játékban gyűjthető cuccot, amikből a fegyvereket, gear itemeket, módosítókat ki is kell menteni. Erre van egy kis sárga zsákunk, amibe szám szerint 9 db cuccot gyűjthetünk.
Ezek a területek 10 percenként "újraélednek", azaz benépesülnek és mehet újra a takarítás.
A DZ fel van osztva 9 részre, ebből minden részben van 1 kimentési hely, kivéve a hetes, ahol nincs, viszont az 1-ben meg kettő is van. Kimentést kell hívni, 1,5 perc múlva érkezik a helikopter, ami leenged egy kötelet, és 4 db-t lehet a fenti zsákból ráakasztani. érkezéstől számítva pontosan 1 perc múlva megy el a helikopter, ha fel van akasztva a cuccos, ha nincs.
Ez így egyszerűnek is tűnne, ha a játék készítői nem úgy gondolták volna, hogy ez lesz az a hely, ahol összeengedjük a full kezdő játékost a már fullra kimaxolt gearrel rendelkező játékossal (na jó, GS szerint vannak csoportok, de nagyon könnyen a "256+"-osban találja magát bárki is).

És itt jön be a PvP:
Ugyanis itt a játékosok egymást is lelőhetik, és elvehetik a másiktól az összeszedett cuccost, vagy akár le is vághatják a másik kimentését, megszerezve ezzel az összes kimenteni kívánt cuccot (már ha életben marad a levágás után)
Sokáig ez a rész volt a játékban az egyedüli helye a PvP-nek, és eleinte sokkal több minden kötődött a DZ-hez, mert pl itt lehetett csak megfelelő DZ szint elérése után különböző tervrajzokat DZ kreditért venni, így kénytelen kelletlen, annak is be kellett jönnie ide, aki akart komolyabban játszani a játékkal és gearelődni akart, de nem akart PvP-zni.

Nagyon sokat változott a kezdeti állapotokhoz képest a PvP, van akinek tetszik, van akinek nem jön be, de leginkább pozitív, a jelen állapot kihagyva a korábbi lépéseket:
* Ahhoz, hogy egymás ellen tudjanak játékosok játszani, az egyiknek (vagy csapatnak) be kell vállalni, hogy Rogue (magyarul rugó :DDD ) lesz, azaz egy billentyűvel átváltasz renegáttá, innentől kezdve te bárkit (másik rugót is) tudsz lőni, de téged is le tudnak innentől kezdve vadászni.

* Nincs Baráti tűz, azaz ha valaki rád lő, de nem rugó, vagy te nem vagy rugó, akkor olyan mint PvE területen a csapattársad, nem sérülsz, és nem leszel miatta rugó

* A rugóságnak 5 fokozata van és utána 5 szintje van, minden lelőtt játékos után 1 fokozattal feljebb megy a rugó fokozat, az 5. a MANHUNT, ahol is már nem egy idő után jár le rólad a manhunt, hanem el kell menned egy a játék által kijelölt területre, ahol van egy leadó hely, és ott "leadhatod" a manhuntot. Ha manhuntként még lelősz játékosokat, akkor a manhunt szinted fog emelkedni, az is 5 szintet érhet el, minél magasabb manhunt szinted van, annál tovább tart leadni a manhuntot, de annál több vérdíj ládát kapsz. Ugyanez van, ha rugót vagy manhunt játékost lősz le, akkor azért te kapsz jutalmat, minél magasabb szintűt, annál több ládát.

* El lehet téríteni a másik kimentését, azzal, hogy levágod a kötelet, ilyenkor az összes már addig felakasztott cuccost szétszórja a kimentési területen, és a túlélők, vagy az érkezők válogathatnak.

A PvP rész ebben nagyjából ki is merül, sajnos nincs súlyozás a szervereken, van, hogy 1-2 négyes csapat tarolja a szervert, van, hogy 10-12 játékos várja az érkező manhuntokat 12 turrettel és 12 immun ládával, csőre töltött fegyverrel a leadó területnél.

Általános infók:
* Egyszerre 9 db cuccost tudsz kimenteni, de az ellenőrző pontokon is lévő ládádban csak maximum 30 db lehet a kimentési résznél, emiatt 3-4 kimentés után, vagy ha már a kimentendő mennyiséggel meghaladná a láda a 30-t, akkor nem enged kimenteni, ezért ki kell menned és ki kell üríteni a láda ezen részének tartalmát a hátizsákodba, amit utána vagy elraksz, használsz, eladod vagy összetöröd. Ha benézted és több cucc van a sárga feertőzött (9 db-os) kimentési zsákodban mint amit ki enged menteni, de van felesleges cuccos is a zsákban, akkor azokat össze tudod törni, de nem kapsz érte semmit, mert "fertőzött", és így már ki tudod menteni az értékes cuccost, ki tudja, mire visszajössz a láda kitakarításából, nem-e egy vérengző Micimackó csapat vár, aki csak a kimentésedet akarja levágni.

* Amikor közel érsz egy játékoshoz, akkor azon túl, hogy hogyan néz ki 2 dolog derül ki róla, egyrészt látszik a commendation pontjainak száma, illetve a DZ szintje. Míg a commendation pont az account szintű, a DZ szint az karakterenkénti. Sok mindent nem feltétlenül jelent, annyit mindenképpen, hogy valaki sokat vagy keveset játszott már a játékkal és volt a DZ-ben, de ha egy fullos gearrel lévő éppen indított egy új karaktert, akkor ott ő is DZ 1. szinttel kezdi

* A checkpointok között lehet gyorsutazni, viszont FONTOS!!! hogy ha van nálad a fertőzött táskában bármilyen cucc, akkor az eltűnik belőle gyorsutazás alatt. Hogy miért is éri meg gyorsutazni az alap A->B-be való eljutáson túl? Pl Supply esemény van, és másik checkpoint közelebb van hozzá, vagy DZ9-ben vagy, de a rugók/manhuntok meg a DZ1-ben. A DZ-ben található safehouse-okba és azokból nem lehet gyorsutazni.

* Kommunikáció a csapattársakkal: Ha csak a saját csapatnak szeretnél írni, akkor ENTER és utána beírod /c (magyar nyelv használata esetéb, ha angol, akkor /g és megint ENTER, utána már az ENTER leütése után csak a csapattársaknak fogsz írni, mások nem látják.

Események a DZ-ben:
Supply drop:
Időközönként jön supply, és a térképen jelzett helyre ládákat dob le a helikopter, melyre 5 perc van, hogy az ott lebzselő mobokat és 1 boss-t lelődd, majd kinyitva a ládát megszerezd belőle a lootot. A ládában lévő lootot nem kell kimenteni, az azonnal a hátizsákodba kerül ha van benne hely, ha nincs, akkor a földre, de csak te látod.

Fertőzöttségi esemény - Contamination event
Ugyancsak időnként bejelenti a játék, hogy fertőzöttségi esemény van, a lényege:
* Pár percig a kijelölt helyeken (a térképen villódzva mutatja) a fertőzöttségi szint felmegy halálos szintre, azaz ilyenkor nem ildomos lemenni a jelölt aluljárókba, mert rövid úton azonnali fekvés a vége
* Bejelenti, hogy csökken a fertőzöttség, ekkor már érdemes közel menni, egészen ötös szintig lemegy a fertőzöttség, de mivel a mi szűrőnk csak négyes szintű max, ezért ez sem életbiztosítás (kivéve persze nomádban) csak úgy ott lebzselni.
* Amikor ötös szintre lemegy a fertőzöttségi szint, akkor be lehet menni, és minden területen, vagy terület részen van 6 tisztogató (ebből két boss) akiket kilőve lehet megtisztítani a helyet a fertőzéstől és visszaáll négyes (azaz biztonságos) szintre a fertőzés. DZ3 és DZ5-ben lévő helyszíneken 2 helyen is van 6-6 mob, és csak akkor lesz 4-es szintű a fertőzöttség, ha mindkét vége ki van takarítva.
Elég nagy aránnyal dobnak a mobok sárga/zöld ládát, illetve exo és CF cuccokat is, ezért elég nagy a kereslet az eseményekre, illetve a játékosokra is, akik már összeszedték a lootot. Rugózó csapatok előszeretettel támadják be az egyedül vagy akár csapatban éppen a lootot nézegető, helyet csináló vagy csak ott lévő akár harcra kész ügynököket.
Ha teszem azt egyedül vagy és jó loot esik, de látsz magad körül gyanúsan téged méregető ügynököket, akkor nem érdemes felvenni a lootot, mert akkor szinte biztos az, hogy betámadnak, ott kell hagyni, ha nem váltasz szervert akkor 1 óráig visszamenve még ott lesz a cuccos, és ha már tiszta a terep, akkor össze tudod szedni. De persze vérmérséklet és PvP tapasztalat függő, amit szeretnél ;)

[ Szerkesztve ]


Utoljára frissítve: 2019.01.21


Örömmel vesszük minden PvP-t játszó javaslatát, névvel együtt folyamatosan frissítve lesz, ha valaki megosztja a jó buildjét. Persze lehet találni sok videót is fenn a YT-on (MacroStlye, akarom mondani MarcoStyle, Widdz) de ezeknél több esetben felmerült, hogy macro-s okosságokat használnak (no-recoil stb) ami miatt ezek "nem mindig" működnek a tisztán játszóknál. Ettőlk függetlenül érdemes az ott látottakat olvasottakat jól megfontolni, mert maguk a gearek jó elképzeléssel vannak összerakva, viszont arra figyelni kell, hogy több csak jó csapatban működik igazán.


* Ezek DZ-s PvP buildek, arra figyelni kell, hogy LS és Skirmishben 1272-re leveszi a játék a statokat, hogy akinek CF szettje van, az ne legyen túl nagy előnyben, ami így is elég sok a hatos szettek és bónuszaik miatt. Másképp kell kalibrálni DZ-re és a PvP modokra a szetteket, de ezek többnyire a módosítókkal megoldható! De ha valaki LS/Skirmish szettet oszt meg, azt külön jelölöm!
* A szettek csak javaslatok, nem kötelező érvényűek, de mindenképpen érdemes lehet elgondolkozni rajta, mit miért.
* A nevek linkek is az adott személy Division Tracker oldalára, ahol a főbb statisztikák olvashatóak, ebből már lehet olvasni. hogy ki mit játszik többségében.

Kérném, hogy aki küld nekem infót, az így adja már meg:

1 db Screenshot a fő képernyőről, ahol látszanak a gear elemek és fegyverek, utána pedig szövegesen a fő és altulajdonságok (TF/ST/EL értékek nem kellenek, mivel kimaxolhatóak), az alábbiak szerint:
Módosítók és altulajdonságaik:

Köszönöm! :R

Kezdjünk bele!

TEMATIKUS gear szettek, azaz amikor a bónuszok meghatározzák, hogy mire kell és érdemes pörgetni:

Tipikusan ilyen a Ragadozó szett, mivel a hatodik (és igazán ütős bónusz) csak minimum 9000 Staminával működik. A szetten 5 helyen Staminát kell pörgetni, az egyik helyre pedig TF-t, és Staminás módosítókkal éppen 9000 fölé lehet kerülni, és így tudod maximalizálni a sebzésedet. Ennél a szettnél a CHC és a CHD az egyik legfontosabb, a maximumot nagyjából így lehet elérni:

Fontos, hogy míg első időben csak a medkit és az immun láda hatósugarába való belépés (vagy oda vissza vette le a vérzést) az újabb patch után már ha valaki immun ládában van, akkor nem kapja be a vérzést, azaz ez a szett is kapott egy nerfet, már közel sem annyira jól használható mint előtte, de csapatban még mindig jól használható, illetve valakinek az üldözésénél is jó szerepe lehet, mivel lelassítja a menekülőt.


Sietős tálent helyett jó lehet a Gonosz tálent is, mivel ha ügyesen tolod, akkor sűrűn/folyamatosan megvan a 2 szegmens életed, így +10% CHC, azaz 59% körül lehetsz, ami majdnem a max 60%.

Fórumtársak által használt szettek:



Striker - 7k/6k/3k

Mellényen plusz életerő, egzotik sebzéstűrés és lőszer.
Maszkon CHC és égési ellenállás.
Térdvédőn plusz életerő, továbbá égés,- vérzés és sokk ellenállás.
Táskán plusz életerő és lőszer (ha nem zavar hogy csak ~1200 lőszer van akkor égési ellenállás mehet rá, pvp-re utóbbi jobb).
Kesztyűn AR sebzés és CHC ill. CHD.
A fegyvertokon pedig szintén CHC.

Fegyvereknek M4/LVOA-C ill. House. Előbbin Fogékony / Kérlelhetetlen / Kompetens (Responsive / Unforgiving / Competent), utóbbin Fogékony / Kérlelhetetlen (Responsive - Unforgiving).
Van aki 2 AR-rel tolja de ott hosszabb harc alatt lőszergondok lehetnek.

Oldalfegyvernek egy levágott csövű amin jó ha vagy egy Predatory és Determined (utóbbi 3. talentnek). Így minden kivégzés HP-t tölt és 7.5% skill tölt vissza (a signature skill-ből is).

Módosítókból staminás és/vagy firearmsos, de 1% CHC-s mind.



Striker Solo build: 4/9/3

Mellény: 11% EDR, Életerő, Ammo
Maszk: EDR, Megzavarási ellenállás
Térdvédő: Életerő, Égési, Sokk, Megzavarási
Táska: Életerő, Ammo
Kesztyű: AR DMG, CHC, CHD
Fegyvertok: CHC
Módosítók: FA és Stamina 2.5% EDR-el + 2% Pulse CHD
Sajnos a “skilles” predatorok játszhatatlanná teszik a pvp-t ezért a solo buildem is az EDR körül forog. Így 35% EDR-el feltöltött strikerrel esélye nincs a predatornak! ;)

LVOA-C kérlelhetetlen, halálos, fogékony
Super 90 kérlelhetetlen halál fogékony ( vagy showstopper/ sasg)
Kis shoti: tartós ragadozó eltökélt

Striker csapathoz : 7/6/3

A build ugyanaz mint a solo 35% EDR
LVOA-C brutal fogékony kérlelhetetlen
Showstopper / SAS-G fogékony brutal kerlelhetetlen
Kis shoti tartos ragadozó eltökélt

Képzettségek: rejtő pulse immunláda



Kb hasonló mint a tematikus, annyi különbséggel, hogy itt mindenhol ST van prögetve és többnyire TF módosítókkal van használva:


PVE Nomád Aug 3. talent sietős, Lvoa-C 3. talent kompetens, 1% chc módok és pulse chd sebzés módok.


PVP Striker , most Auggal, de House is van, 35% egzotikus sebzéstűréssel- Last Standen használtam.
Aug 3. talent sietős, Lvoa-C 3. talent kompetens. pulse- immunláda,

Külső forrásból:


MarcoStyle (alias Macrostyle :DDD ) PvP Striker szettje

Folyt köv...

[ Szerkesztve ]


Utoljára frissítve: 2018.10.15.

PvE ajánlott (farmolós) buildek.


Striker - Lila módosítókkal:

Amit a D3-nál tudni kell, hogy a pajzs HP-ja akkor maxos, ha minimum 9000 Stamina megvan, és emellett pedig 120 k képzettség kell, és ekkor 2.350.001 a pajzs HP-ja (csak egyfajta pajzs működik a hatos szettel)



Vadász hite - Sniper build

Minden FA-on van kivéve 1 item amit a nagyobb szivósság miatt Staminára tettem.

Mellény: +életerö és páncélrombolás +ammo
Maszk: páncélrombolás és elit sebzés
Térdvédö: +életerő és elitsebzés
Hátizsák: +életerö +ammo
Kesztyü: mesterlövész puska sebzés, crit esély crit sebzés
Fegyvertok: Crit esély

Módostók: 5 lila FA módositó ami elitsebzéses

Teljesitmény módok: 4* 2% pulse crit sebzés

Fegyver: Pusztitó, Brutál, Vérengző M44 vagy M700 Carbon




Sentry (őrszem döntése) pajzsos build (pisztollyal jelölésre)

Erről a szettről bővebb infót ITT és ITT találsz.


Várjuk a további buildokat....

[ Szerkesztve ]


Utoljára frissítve: 2019.02.08.



Már megjelent shieldek:

"One shot, one kill": Complete all weekly HVT's in a single week

Avenger – "Seek and destroy"
Take out 10 Named Bosses in Manhattan, 10 in the DZ and 10 in WSP

Shepherd – "Guiding the flock"
Liberate the base of operations

Hazard – "On deadly ground"
Clear 25 Landmarks in the Dark Zone

Sacred – "Count your blessings"
Complete 10 phases, get to level 10 and kill 10 Hunters in the UG

Phoenix (August) – "Never say die":
Extract 5 items, survive for 5 hours and kill 5 Hunters in Survival

Talon (September) – "Death from above"
Attain a Commendation score of 3000

Rebel (October) – "Fight for your rights"
Get to wave 15 in Resistance

Fang (November) – "Tooth and claw"
Complete every available mission on Legendary difficulty

Prime (December) – "First and only"
Collect 3 full classified gear sets

Marshal (January) – "Law and order"
Acquire all Exotic Armor and Weapons

Chieftain (February) – "Hail to the chief"
Achieve the highest possible optimized gear score [290]

Shieldek - Reddit

A múlt:


[ Szerkesztve ]


Global Event 5 - Blackout
2018.04.23 - 2018.04.30


Áramszünet (mindig aktív): Az ügynökök elektromos lőszerrel vannak ellátva, mely elkábítja az ellenséget. A tüzelés és a futás növeli töltésedet - minél nagyobb töltsé, annál nagyobb a sebzésed

Extrém áramszünet: Áramszünet viselkedés, plusz azonnal megölheted az ellenséget túltöltött közelharci támadásokkal, de ha elrontod, magadat és szövetségeseidet kábítod el.

Totális áramszünet: Extrém áramszünet viselkedés, valamint a töltés gyorsabban tér vissza a csoport többi tagjának közelében.


2018.05.21 - 2018.05.31 között


Az achik:



Update 1.4 Patch Notes

New Feature: World Tiers

Upon reaching level 30, players are now able to select a World Level Tier that controls the level of enemy NPCs encountered and the quality of the loot they drop

There are a total of 4 World Level tiers:

Tier 1: enemy lvl30, gear score rewards 163

Tier 2: enemy lvl31, gear score rewards 182, unlocks Challenge difficulty, unlocks Incursions

Tier 3: enemy lvl32, gear score rewards 204

Tier 4: enemy lvl33, gear score rewards 229

Activity difficulty in a same World Tier (Normal, Hard, Challenging) will provide more rewards

UI Improvements
Added a player reporting interface for PC users.

Players now have the “mark as junk” option when equipping mods.

Players can now mark weapon and gear items as “favorites” which locks them in their inventory. Locked items cannot be sold, shared or dismantled.

Added a buyback option to vendor’s inventory. Players can now recover items they have accidentally sold.

Added Quick Nav option to vendors and menus allowing players to quickly select item types they want to display.

Weapon skins no longer take inventory space.

Equipped items are now always displayed at the top of the inventory list.

Recalibrated items now have an icon displayed next to their recalibrated stat/talent.

Crafting materials can now be converted in bulk at the Crafting Station.

Players can now deconstruct items from the Stash.

Players now have an option to find a better server if they are currently on one that is not their best option. They can do so from the Group Management menu.

Players are no longer able to open their inventory while under status effect.

Recalibration bench now opens instantly instead of waiting for watch tapping animation.

Gameplay Changes
Time-to-kill enemy NPCs has been lowered.

Many improvements were made to enemy AI.

Player ammo capacity has been increased by 50% after level 30.

When matchmaking the game will now attempt to refill empty slots if the group privacy allows it.

Incendiary and Explosive Rounds will no longer apply status effects like Stagger and On Fire.

Accuracy will now be lowered for a short duration after performing a combat roll.

Added a delay between leaving a group and signing up for matchmaking.

Weapon magazines are now refilled when restocking from an ammo crate.

The crafting material drops from the Base of Operations will now reward High-End quality after level 30.

Removed scavenging from the game. Scavenging is removed as a secondary stat on all gear pieces. New gear pieces can no longer roll scavenging.

The Map indicator for Rogue players now increases in size the closer they are to the player.

Player grenade damage now scales with the current World Tier to ensure consistent efficiency against NPCs across World Tiers.

Shotgunner NPCs: their damage falloff and accuracy have been slightly reduced. This should limit their range and lower their lethality in long to mid-range combat.

Several improvements to NPC AI.

Player health will now progressively regenerate to full when out of combat.

Updated the ways NPCs react to Player Threat, now allowing players to more predictably manage enemy agro

Activities, Loots, & Rewards
Global changes

All NPCs will now have chances to drop High-End and Gear Set items, tougher enemies (veteran, elites) have higher chances to drop.

Removed Gear Set Weighting from all activities except Incursions. Any Gear Set can now drop from any activity.

Weekly and Daily assignment loot caches now drop items scaled with the players current gear score.

Added new blueprints for Level 33 mods and Gear Score 229 High End.

Added Field Proficiency: Players can now gain experience past level 30 and earn loot caches.

Updated Vendor Stocks:

Items quality will adapt better to the player level during the 1 to 30 progression.

Vendors now sell items Gear Score 163 to 229 as soon as the players reaches level 30.

Added more High End items for sale in all currencies.

Added more Gear Set items at Phoenix Credits and Dark Zone Vendors:

Phoenix Credit Vendor sells 1 random slot of each Gear Set

Dark Zone Vendor sells 1 random Gear Set for each slot

Vendors will now sell Sealed Cache for all currencies.

Marksman Rifles, ARs and Shotgun prices have been lowered.

Gear Set items now cost as much as a high end gear piece, resulting in a large price reduction.

Item prices in DZ Funds have been adjusted. Gear score 182 item prices went slightly up, as gear score 204 items got a small price decrease. These changes were made for a more normalized, fairer price increase of items with gear score.

Items priced in Phoenix Credit gear score 182 went down in price slightly, whereas items gear score 229 went slightly up. These changes were made for a more normalized, price increase of items with gear score.

Drop rates have been modified for all named NPCs encountered during missions and incursions outside of the actual boss. They will no longer guarantee High-End drops. Instead, they will guarantee crafting materials and have a chance to drop a High End or Gear Set item.

The Phoenix Credit Vendor has been removed from the Tech Wing in the Base of Operations.

Division Tech has been removed as a requirement from all High End and Gear Set blueprints.

Open World

Roamer NPC groups and bosses are now back in the open world. They now respawn every 4 hours.

**Main Missions
Updated Rewards for all main missions:

Normal Mode

Boss drop:

1x Superior or High End


1x Superior

Hard Mode

Boss drop:

1x High End


1x High End

Challenging Mode

Boss drop:

1x High End

1x Gear Set

1x High End Mod


2x High End or Gear Set

30 Phoenix Credits

Search & Destroy and High Value Targets

Search & Destroy will now reward the player with 5 Target Intel upon completion at the mission board for normal Search and Destroy, 10 for Critical Search and Destroy (instead of 2 and 4).

Weekly HVT vendors now sell 2 of each contract type, instead of 1.

Added 40 new High Value Target contracts to the contract pool.

Prices of High Value Target contracts have been adjusted and normalized to avoid overlaps. This results in an overall slight decrease of cost for many contracts.

Daily High Value Targets now all scale with group size.

The difficulty of some of the hardest HVT contracts have been slightly lowered.

Enemies in Search & Destroy missions will now be Normal and Veteran instead of mostly Elites.

Updated Rewards for all High Value and High Risk contracts:

Daily low cost High Value Target

Boss drop:

1x High End or Gear Set


15 Phoenix Credits

Daily medium cost High Value Target

Boss drop:

1x High End or Gear Set


1x High End

20 Phoenix Credits

Daily high cost High Value Target

Boss drop:

1x High End or Gear Set


1x High End or Gear Set

25 Phoenix Credits

Weekly low cost High Value Target

Boss drop:

2x High End or Gear Set

1x High End mod


1x High End

1x Gear Set

50 Phoenix Credits

Weekly high cost High Value Target

Boss drop:

1x Gear Set

1x High End or Gear Set

1x High End


2x High End

1x Gear Set

50 Phoenix Credits

Weekly low cost High Risk Target

Boss drop:

2x High End or Gear Set

1x High End mod


1x Gear Set

1x High End

1x High End weapon

60 Phoenix Credits

Weekly high cost High Risk Target

Boss drop:

1x Gear Set

1x High End or Gear Set

1x High End mod


2x Gear Set

1x High End

1x High End weapon

70 Phoenix Credits


Players can now gain Underground experience past level 40 and earn more Underground Caches.

Updated Rewards for all Underground Operations:

Directive now reward with Phoenix Credits and no longer items.

Normal Mode (boss drop)

1x Superior or High End

Chance for a High End mod

Hard Mode (boss drop)

1x High End or Gear Set

1x Gear Set

Chance for a High End mod

Challenging Mode (boss drop)

2 High End or Gear Set

1x Gear Set

Chance for a High End mod


Falcon Lost now has additional checkpoints after each C4 explosion.

The 4 Horsemen farm cover has been modified to prevent players from avoiding RC Cars explosions.

Abilities cooldown will now reset when the group wipes and respawns at the last checkpoint.

Changed Gear Weighting from Incursions: instead of guaranteeing specific Gear Sets, each incursion will now guarantee specific Gear slot items

Falcon Lost: Gloves and Masks

Clear Sky: Body armor and Holster

Dragon’s Nest: Backpack and Kneepads

Updated Rewards for all Incursions:

Challenging Mode

Boss drop:

2x High End or Gear Set

1x High End Weapon

1 High End Mod

Chance for a named weapon

100 Phoenix Credit


2x High End or Gear Set

Heroic Mode

Boss drop:

2x High End or Gear Set

1x High End Weapon

1x Gear Set

1 High End Mod

Chance for a named weapon

120 Phoenix Credit


2x Gear Set

1x High End weapon

1x High End or Gear Set

Dark Zone

Updated Rewards for boss drops and Supply Drops in the Dark Zone:

Boss Drops:

1x High End or Gear Set

1x High End Gear Mod or Weapon Mod

Supply Drops

1x High End or Gear Set

1x Gear Set

1x High End Mod

15 Phoenix Credits

Gear Stats
Removed Skill Bonus from all gear items. Instead, Backpack, Holster and Kneepads will now have additional slots dedicated to Performance Mods (Backpack = 2, Holster = 1, Kneepads = 1). Note that this change will not be retroactive.

Gear items of Gear Score 182 and higher will now provide fixed base stats in each of the main attributes (this comes in addition to existing random main stat bonus)

182 = 48 Firearms, Stamina and Electronics

204 = 101 Firearms, Stamina and Electronics

229 = 148 Firearms, Stamina and Electronics

Reduced the range of additional bonuses such as Critical Hit chance or Headshot Damage.

Rebalanced bonuses provided by Performance Mods.

Removed stats overlap between Gear Scores (this does not apply to percentage based stats).

Armor has been overhauled:

Your Armor value now has a different Damage Mitigation value, depending on the World Tier you are in

Damage Mitigation has been capped at 70%

Reaching Damage Mitigation cap will now require much more armor, forcing you to make a conscious decision to spec into this stat

Toughness now takes All Damage Resiliency into account

Reduced Health on Kill bonuses on Gear by 50%. This change also applies to existing gear. Nomad 2-piece bonus is not impacted by this change.

Skill Haste bonus will now directly affect Skill cooldowns by the same amount. For example, 10% Skill Haste will reduce Skill cooldown by 10%.

Global Rebalance pass on Gear Talents:

Accomplished: Rewards from Accolades are tripled (no change)

Astute: The first 3 bullets of your clip have a 5% higher chance to do a Critical Hit (instead of 5 to 10%)

Cunning: After reloading, your next shot with this weapon has a 10% higher critical hit chance (instead of 5 to 10%)

Decisive: Headshots with your side arm deal 35% more damage (instead of 10 to 25%)

Enduring: While in your last segment, your health continuously regenerates to fill up the segment (no change)

Forceful: Your armor is increased by 15% while your Signature Skill is active (instead of 5 to 15%)

Inventive: Your Skill Power is increased by 15% while you are at full health (instead of 5 to 15%)

Nimble: While doing a cover to cover move in combat, you heal 2% of your max Health for every 1 meter run (no change)

Perceptive: Your Gold find bonuses are increased by 15% (instead of 10 to 25%, no longer increases item find)

Prosperous: Critical headshots grant you Credits (no change)

Rapid: The cooldown of your healing skills is decreased by 15% (instead of 5 to 15%)

Reckless: You deal 8% more damage and receive 10% more damage (instead of 5 to 15% damage dealt)

Recovered: Damage taken while doing a cover to cover maneuver is regenerated over 5 seconds upon reaching your destination (no change)

Refreshed: When your health is in the last segment, all your healing is improved by 30% (instead of 10 to 30%)

Rehabilitated: When you are affected by a status effect you are healed for 2% every second (no change)

Rejuvenated: Consuming a medkit also removes all negative status effects from you (no change)

Relentless: 5% of the damage dealt by your skills is returned to you as healing (instead of 3%)

Resourceful: All healing applied to you is also applied to your skill objects (no change)

Robust: You have 10% more armor while in cover (instead of 25 to 50%)

Savage: Your Critical hit chance is increased by 7% against targets out of cover (instead of 5 to 15%)

Specialized: 200% of your Firearms and Stamina are added to your Skill Power (instead of 15% - note that the drastic increase is also due to a new calculation method)

Steadfast: While in cover, health regeneration kicks in twice as fast (no change)

Sturdy: Your armor is increased by 15% when you stay more than 4 seconds in the same cover (instead of 5 to 15% and 10 seconds)

Technical: While your signature skill is active, your Skill Power is increased by 15% (instead of 5 to 15%)

Tenacious: Using a Medkit increases your damage by 10% for 10 seconds (instead of 5 to 10%)

Vigorous: All your healing skills have Over Heal enabled (no change)

Character Talents

Chain Reaction: Decreased Damage bonus by 50% from 40% to 20%

Global changes

Skill power will not scale linearly anymore, instead it will follow a curve of diminishing returns.

Removed hard caps on most skills.

Expected Skill Power is now 3 times higher. Skill Power from Electronics has been multiplied by 3.

Skill Haste has now been capped at 60% to prevent too low cooldowns.

All skills except signature skills now have a 5 seconds minimum cooldown.

(Reference only values, for level 1 character)

First Aid

Global changes

All cooldowns set to 60 seconds

Decreased scaling of cooldown with Skill Power from 100% to 70%

Base Skill

Healing cap increased by 300%, up to 300000

Self-heal increased by 81% from 550 to 1000

Ally-heal increased by 81% from 550 to 1000


Self-heal increased by 36% from 550 to 750

Ally-heal increased by 172% from 550 to 1500


Self-heal increased by 100% from 750 to 1500

Ally-heal unchanged at 750

Booster Shot

Self-heal increased by 105% from 440 to 900

Ally-heal increased by 50% from 600 to 900


Global changes

Decreased scaling of Critical Hit Chance with Skill Power from 100% to 50%

Decreased scaling of Critical Hit Damage with Skill Power from 100% to 50%

Decreased scaling of cooldown with Skill Power from 100% to 80%

Base skill and mods Critical Hit Chance set to 6%

Base Skill

Critical Hit Damage decreased by 70% from 20 to 6%

Recon Pack

Critical Hit Damage decreased by 70% from 20 to 6%


Critical Hit Damage decreased by 70% from 20 to 6%

Added threat reduction when using Pusle with this mod

Tactical Scanner

Critical Hit Damage decreased by 68% from 25 to 8%

Cooldown decreased by 15% from 70 to 60 seconds


Global changes

Decreased scaling of cooldown with Skill Power from 100% to 80%

Base skill and all mods (except Zapper) health increased by 50% from 1000 to 1500

Base skill and all mods (except Zapper) increased by 50% from 30 seconds to 45 seconds

Scaling of health with Skill Power set to 200%

Base Skill

Range increased by 17% from 30 to 35 meters

Active Sensor

Range increased by 17% from 30 to 35 meters

Damage increased by 22% from 18 to 22


Damage increased by 20% from 30 to 36


Range decreased by 20% from 20 to 16 meters

Health decreased by 50% from 1000 to 500

Damage decreased by 80% from 10 to 2

Support Station

Global changes

When playing solo, if the player is downed while his Station is active, he will be able to revive himself

Base skill and all mods (except Life Support) healing rate increased by 67% from 30 to 50

Base skill and all mods (except Immunizer) lifetime decreased by 50% from 30 to 20 seconds

Base skill and all mods health increased by 100% from 500 to 1000

Base skill and all mods no longer have healing rate cap

Base skill and all mods no longer have lifetime cap

Base skill and all mods: Decreased base cooldown duration by 44% from 90 seconds to 50 seconds

Scaling of cooldown with skillpower set to 80%

Life Support

Revive time decreased by 40% from 5 to 3 seconds

Range increased by 33% from 6 to 8 meters

Healing rate increased by 100% from 30 to 60

Ammo Cache

Healing rate increased to same level as other mods from 24 to 30 (25% increase)

Skill Haste bonus reduced by 70% from 50% to 15%


Lifetime decreased by 33% from 24 to 16 seconds

Sticky Bomb

Global changes

Base skill and all mods no longer have damage cap

Scaling of damage with Skill Power set to 125%

Scaling of cooldown with Skill Power set to 80%

Base skill and all mods: PvP modifier reduced by 51% from 90% to 44%

Base skill

Cooldown increased by 80% from 50 to 90 seconds

Proximity Fuse

Cooldown increased by 80% from 50 to 90 seconds


Explosion range decreased by 25% from 8 to 6 meters


Cooldown increased by 80% from 70 to 125 seconds

Mobile Cover

Global changes

Base skill and all mods no longer have health cap

Base skill and all mods no longer have cooldown cap

Blast Shield

Min and Max damage now scale with Skill Power

Min and Max damage now displayed in tooltip

Blast Resistance increased by 180% from 12.5% to 35%

Counter Measures

Health increased by 33% from 6000 to 8000

Added threat reduction when using this cover


Added threat generation when using this cover

Seeker Mine

Global changes

Base skill and all mods no longer have health cap

Base skill and all mods no longer have cooldown cap

Base skill and all mods (except Cluster) health increased by 100% from 150 to 300

Base skill and all mods (except Gas Charge) cooldown decreased by 29% from 70 to 50 seconds

Scaling of cooldown with Skill Power set to 80%

Base skill

Damage increased by 100% from 1000 to 2000


Damage increased by 100% from 300 to 600

Radius increased by 25% from 4 to 5 meters


Cluster now applies bleed effect on top of its usual damage

Health increased by 100% from 50 to 100

Damage increased by 100% from 300 to 600

Gas Charge

Cooldown decreased by 17% from 60 to 50 seconds

Ballistic Shield

Global changes

Base skill and all mods no longer have damage cap

Base skill and all mods no longer have defense cap

Base skill and all mods no longer have health cap

Base skill and all mods no longer have cooldown cap

Base skill and all mods cooldown decreased by 11% from 45 to 40 seconds

Scaling of cooldown with Skill Power set to 80%

Scaling of health with Skill Power set to 200%

Now takes 50% less damage from NPCs

Base skill and all mods: Added threat generation when the shield is deployed

Base skill and all mods: Added threat generation when shooting while the shield is deployed

Base Skill

Base health increased by 25% from 3000 to 3750

Kinectic Breaker

Base health increased b 25% from 3000 to 3750

Reactive Targeting

Base health increased by 25% from 4500 to 5625

Assault Shield

Health increased by 25% from 2250 to 2812

Smart Cover

Global changes

Smart Cover cooldown will now begin when the smart cover is destroyed

Base skill and all mods Damage Resistance decreased by 65% from 20 to 7%

Base skill and all mods Damage bonus replaced with two bonuses:

Weapon Stability +7%

Weapon Accuracy +7%

Base skill and all mods cooldown set to 60 seconds

Scaling of Defense bonus with Skill Power set to 150%

Scaling of Weapon Stability bonus with Skill Power set to 150%

Scaling of Weapon Accuracy bonus with Skill Power set to 150%

Base skill and all mods no longer have range cap


Now applies a Stability and Accuracy debuff to enemies in cover:

Weapon Stability -5%

Weapon Accuracy -5%

Damage bonus to enemies in cover set to 5%

Damage Resistance decreased by 75% from 20 to 5%

Damage bonus replaced with two bonuses:

Weapon Stability 5%

Weapon Accuracy 5%


Skill Haste bonus decreased by 25% from 20% to 15%


Added threat reduction when using this cover

Signature Skills

Implemented a shared cooldown mechanic: in a group, players who receive a buff from any Signature Skill will be immune to the same signature skill for 30 seconds after the first one runs out.

Recovery Link Signature Skill

Recovery Link now revives teammates from dead state and automatically revives the player when down, in solo play.

Increased range by 25% from 40 to 50 meters

Instant heal now heals for 50% of the total health of the target

Increased heal over time duration by 140% from 5 to 12 seconds

Heal over time now heals for 100 of the total health of the target over 10s

Tactical Link Signature Skill

Removed Critical Hit Chance bonus

Decreased damage bonus by 40% from 50 to 30%

Added 3 new bonuses:

+50% RPM

+50% Reload Speed

+30% Weapon Stability

Increased range by 20% from 25 to 30 meters

Survivor Link Signature Skill

Decreased damage resistance by 38% from 80% to 50%

Decreased duration by 20% from 15s to 12s

Increased range by 20% from 25m to 30m

Global changes

Named weapons are no longer locked to specific Gear Scores (except Damascus, which will remain available at only one Gear Score)

World tier determines the Gear Score of the weapon when it drops or is bought

All Named weapon blueprints have been removed from their sources. They will remain in your blueprints list if you already had them, but will only allow you to craft the weapon at this specific Gear Score

Named weapons will now have to be acquired through loot drops and vendors

DPS calculation now values Headshot damage differenlt yfor each weapon category to more accurately guide player when modding weapons.

Weapon recalibration: When recalibrating a weapon, the player will now be able to pick from 6 Talents additionally to the initial one (instead of 3+1). This should lower the impact of RNG and increase the chances to actually get the talent you want before you run out of tries.

Weapon Mods have been changed: they will now have one major bonus and an amount of smaller bonuses depending on the quality of the mod.

Some stats on Weapon Mods have been merged into one:

Horizontal Stability and Initial Bullet Stability are now merged with Stability

Hip Fire Accuracy is now merged with Accuracy

Damage bonuses are now additive instead of multiplicative.

Weapon Talents have been rebalanced.

Accurate: Accuracy is improved by 25% (instead of 20 to 50%)

Adept: Using a skill increases your critical hit chance by 7.5% for 15 seconds (instead of 3 to 10% for 5 seconds)

Balanced: The weapon reaches max accuracy faster when shouldering (no change)

Brutal: +12% Headshot Damage with this weapon (instead of 10 to 25%)

Capable: Using a skill improves the handling of the weapon for 15 seconds (handling is improved by 25% instead of 20 to 50%, 15 seconds instead of 5 to 15 seconds)

Commanding: Every kill performed while your signature is active extends the duration of the signature skill by (5 to 20)% (no change)

Competent: Whenever you use a skill, your weapon damage is increased by 10% for 15 seconds (instead of 5 to 15%, 10 seconds)

Coolheaded: Doing a headshot reduces all your skill cooldowns by 5% (instead of 2 to 7.5%)

Deadly: +15% Critical hit damage (instead of 5 to 30%)

Destructive: +15% to armor destruction with this weapon (instead of 3 to 20%)

Determined: Killing a target reduces your skill cooldowns by 7.5% (instead of 5 to 10%)

Dominant: Every kill performed while your signature skill is active reduces the cooldown of your other skills by 10% (instead of 3 o 10%)

Ferocious: +10% Bonus damage to Elite and Named enemies (instead of 5 to 15%)

Fierce: +5% Critical hit chance with this weapon (instead of 5 to 10%)

Harmful: Each hit has a 15% chance to apply the Bleed status effect to the target (instead of 3 to 15%)

Intense: The first bullet of a magazine has a 25% chance to apply the On Fire status effect to the target (instead of 3 to 13%)

Meticulous: Killing a target has a 25% chance to instantly refill your magazine (instead of 5 to 25%)

Predatory: Killing a target regenerates 35% of your health over 20 seconds (instead of 5 to 15%, 5 seconds)

Prepared: When further than 30 meters from your target, your damage is increased by 15% (instead of 40 meters, 5 to 15%)

Proficient: The first bullet shot when out of combat has a 50% bonus chance to result in a critical hit (instead of 25 to 50%)

Provident: The last bullet of a magazine deals 60% more damage (instead of 25 to 60%)

Restored: This talent has been removed from the game

Skilled: Headshot kills with this weapon increases Signature Skill resource by 5% (instead of 3 to 13%)

Stable: Stability is improved by 35% (instead of 20 to 50%)

Steady: This talent has been removed from the game

Sustained: +6% Life on kill (instead of 1 to 6%)

Swift: Reloading is 15% faster (5 to 15%)

Talented: Killing a target with this weapon increases your Skill Power by 15% for 20 seconds (doesn't stack, killing a new target refreshes the timer) (instead of 3 to 10%, 5 to 15 seconds)

Toxic: Headshots with this weapon have a 15% chance to apply the Blind status effect (instead of 5 to 15%)

Trained: Critical hits increases your Signature Skill resource by 0.1% (no change)

Unforgiving: Damage increases based on your missing health: 1 missing segment +10%; 2 missing segments +25% (instead of 5 to 10%, 15 to 25%)

Vicious: Your Critical Hit chance is increased by 10% while you are at least at two health segments (instead of 5 to 15%)

Responsive: When closer than 10 meters from your target, your damage is increased by 10% (instead of 5 to 15%)

Self-Preserved: Critical hits with this weapon heal you for 3% of damage dealt (instead of 0.5 to 3%)

Global balance pass on weapons:
Assault Rifles

G36: Base damage decreased by 5%

Caduceus has had its talents modified, to replace the removed talent Restored and better fit the new Gear Score scaling. It now has the following talents:

Talented: Killing a target with this weapon increases your Skill Power by 15% for 20 seconds (doesn't stack, killing a new target refreshes the timer)

Competent: Whenever you use a skill, your weapon damage is increased by 10% for 15 seconds

Determined: Killing a target reduces your skill cooldowns by 7.5%


Reduced all LMGs Damage bonus on targets out of cover from about 28% maximum to 19% maximum

L86: Base damage increased decreased by -7.4%

RPK: no change

M60: Base damage increased by 19.4%

M249: Base damage increased by 17.4%


Reduced all SMG Critical Hit Damage bonus from about 47% maximum to 38% maximum

MP7: Base damage decreased by 27.6%

MP5: Base damage decreased by 11.1%

Vector: Base damage decreased by 13.8%

SMG9: Base damage decreased by 9.2%

AUG: Base damage decreased by 10.3%

PP19: Base damage decreased by 13.8%

T821: Base damage decreased by 13.3%


All shotguns with Gear Score 229 damage decreased by 30%

Showstopper: Base damage increased by 20%

Marksman Rifles

M1A: Base damage decreased by 35%

SVD: Base damage decreased by 3.7%

SCAR: Base damage increased by 22.9%

SRS: Base damage increased by 20%

M44: Base damage increased by 15%


X45: Base damage decreased by 40%

M9: Base damage increased by 10%

Px4: Base damage increased by 25%

Gear Sets
Global changes

Gear Set gear scores have been brought in-line with High-End gear scores tiers.

191 Gear Set items now have Gear Score 163

214 Gear Set items now have Gear Score 182

240 Gear Set items now have Gear Score 204

268 Gear Set items now have Gear Score 229

Removed the 5 piece bonus on all Gear Sets that had one.

Striker’s Battlegear

2 pieces: +20% Stability

3 pieces: +10% armor damage

4 pieces: Every consecutive hit deals 1% more damage. Stacks up to 100%. Missing shots drops bonus by 2%. Bonus is reduced by 1% every second

Tactician’s Authority

2 pieces: +10% Skill Haste

3 pieces: +10% Skill Power

4 pieces: Every bullet you and your group lands on a hostile adds 0.2% skill power to you for a max of 30% bonus. Bonus lasts for 10 seconds of not beeing refreshed or 10 seconds of beeing at max

Path of the Nomad

2 pieces: +14% health on kill

3 piece: Nomads Resolve - Administers a constant small heal, allowing the user to heal passed the segments of the healthbar

4 pieces: Path of the Nomad - When recieving fatal damage, you are instead healed to full health. Can only occur once every 4 minutes

Sentry’s Call

2 pieces: +30% Aiming Accuracy

3 pieces: +10% Headshot Damage

4 pieces: Headshots mark the enemy, increasing the damage inflicted on the target by 5% for a duration of 30 seconds each. A target can receive up to three marks

Lone Star

2 pieces: +100% Ammo capacity

3 pieces:

+8% LMG Damage

+8% Shotgun Damage

4 pieces: When holstering a weapon it's ammo is instantly refilled

Predator’s Mark

2 pieces: +10% Reload Speed

3 pieces:

+8% Assault Rifle Damage

+8% SMG Damage

4 pieces: Hit 10 shots without switching target to make the target take damage over time for 50% of the total amount of damage already done by those bullets

Final Measure

2 pieces: +25% Exotic damage resilience

3 pieces: +15% resistance to damage from Elites

4 pieces: When in range of hostile grenades or mortars, defuses them and adds grenades to your inventory. Can only happen once every 15 seconds

Hunter’s Faith

2 pieces: +20% Optimal Range

3 pieces: +20% Headshot Damage

4 pieces: Hitting an enemy with a bullet grants you and your group temporary protection. The further your shot, the more protection. Each group member's protection disappears after getting hit by one hostile bullet.


2 pieces: 40% Initial Bullet Stability

3 pieces: 20% Marksman rifle critical hit damage

4 pieces: When zoomed, Marksman rifles lose headshot bonus but gain 100% critical strike chance

B.L.I.N.D. becomes Banshee

2 pieces: +20% Dark Zone Currency gained

3 pieces: +10% Damage to targets out of cover

4 pieces:

While Rogue, all ammo is completely refilled every 30 seconds. Damage taken from non-rogue players reduced by 10%.

While not Rogue, No Dark Zone XP or Currency is lost on death. Damage to Rogue players is increased by 10%.

Note: All existing pieces of B.L.I.N.D. will be replaced with equivalent Banshee pieces.


2 pieces: +3 Incendiary grenades

3 pieces:

+30% flame turret damage

+50% flame turret range

4 pieces: Damage to targets on fire is increased by 15%


2 pieces: 100% bonus health regen speed

3 pieces: +5% Weapon Damage

4 pieces: If your Primary and Secondary Weapon is of the same category, they both gain all of the unique active talents.


2 pieces: +50% Consumable duration

3 pieces: +50% Support Station duration

4 pieces: Consumables and special ammo used now apply to the whole group and are not consumed on use. Triggers consumable cooldowns and cannot start consumables that are on cooldown.

Bug Fixing

Fixed a bug where NPC turrets would count towards Daily and Weekly Assignments for this NPC type.

Fixed a bug where named bosses could respawn in the Open World when going to a safe house.

Fixed a bug where two deprecated blueprints (Iron Sight 2 and 3) could be acquired.

Fixed a bug where NPC turrets could become invisible and indestructible if destroyed while being repaired by the NPC.

Fixed a bug where characters could be stuck on ladders when jumping on it after sprinting.


Fixed a bug where NPCs could shoot players through doors while they were being opened.

Fixed a bug where the intensity of the Directive Sickness would be decided on Operation entry, allowing for Gear swap to reduce the effect. The intensity will now dynamically adapt to the current Stamina of the player.


Update 1.5 Patch Notes

Please note that you must own the Survival DLC to gain access to this content. This is available on Nov 22 for Xbox One and PC and December 20 for PS4.

Survival mode enabled
Cold, sick, hungry, stripped of gear, and beset by a brutal snowstorm, you must survive until extracting safely in the Dark Zone. Finding supplies, warm clothes and survival equipment will be vital to your success. However the environment is not the only danger; other agents and deadly Hunters will prove the biggest challenges to your survival.

Survival is a game mode offering a more hardcore experience with survival mechanics and permanent death.

The game mode hosts 24 players and takes place in a modified version of Manhattan, reusing the whole open world.

The game mode is session based, with one game lasting up to 2 hours.

The following content, changes, and bug fixes are available to Xbox One and PC players on November 22, and slightly later on PS4.

Game changes
Added World Tier 5 bracket (224+ GS)

Enemy NPCs are level 34.

Maximum Gear Score raised to 256.

Heroic Incursions are now available in Tier 5 only.

Named Gear items have been implemented in the game. One piece is available for each Gear Slot and each one comes with a unique Talent. Named Gear items can only be acquired in World Tier 5 or in Survival game mode.

[Mask] Ferro’s oxygen mask: Players can move and shoot while under burn status effect.

[Knee Pads] Shortbow championship pads: Grenades have shortened fuse timer.

[Holster] Colonel Bliss’ holster: Powerful improvements for sidearms.

[Gloves] Skulls MC gloves: Increased damage when no gear set bonuses are active.

[Chestpiece] Barrett’s bulletproof: Powerful bonuses when skills are on cooldown.

[Backpack] NinjaBike messenger bag: Less DZ loot and DZ XP lost when dying in the Dark Zone.

Enemy Armor Damage now functions in PVP: damage calculation in PvP ignores a percentage of the target’s armor equal to one third of the shooter’s Enemy Armor Damage.

Stagger now functions in PvP: high-stagger weapons (Shotguns and Marksman rifles primarily) will now cause the target’s aim to flinch.

Tactical Advance: This talent will now provide a maximum of 30% damage increase.

Stash size has been increased from 70 to 150 total items.

Loot, rewards & vendors
NPCs now have chances to drop crafting materials. Chances to drop higher quality increases with World Tiers.

Season Pass Open World Supply Drops will now scale with World Tier. Opening a supply drop in World Tier 1 will reward with Gear Score 163, 182 in World Tier 2, etc.

Items in the Scavenger crate in the Base of Operations will now scale with World Tier.

Vendors will now scale to player’s Gear Score, independently from the World Tier they’re in. This means that the Gear Score and currency value of goods they sell will adapt to the player’s Gear Score.

We have adjusted the Credits and Phoenix Credits rewards for Main Missions, High Value Targets and Incursions to better scale with World Tier. This results in an overall increase starting from World Tier 4 and above.

Modified rewards from completing weekly assignments:

Moved 30 Phoenix Credits from the weekly assignment reward to put them inside the weekly assignment cache (the total amount is still the same)

Added one extra High-End Mod inside the weekly assignment cache


Swift: Reload Speed bonus has been increased from 15% to 25%.

Provident: This talent has been removed from World Tier 5 and will not roll or be available in recalibration for Gear Score 256 weapons.

Hurried, Focused and Disciplined are no longer exclusive to PP19, G36 and SVDs.

All Weapon types

Hip fire now has stronger recoil than aiming down sights. The strength of this effect varies between weapon types. From most impacted to least impacted: Marksman Rifles, LMGs, Assault Rifles, SMGs, Shotguns, Pistols.


Vector 45 ACP & First Wave Vector 45 ACP: base magazine size increased to 25.

MP7: base damage increased by 9%.


Damage to targets out of cover bonus has been slightly reduced for all LMGs of Gear Score 256.

M60: base damage reduced by 3%.

M60 & M249 now take longer to reach full accuracy when fired.

Hungry Hog: base damage reduced by 13%, to prevent a scaling overlap with the implementation of World Tier 5.


Lowered the strength of aim assist for Shotguns.

Lowered the effect of accuracy on Shotguns.

Headshot base bonus reduced from 80% to 60%.

Showstopper: Accuracy while in cover has been reduced.

M870: base damage reduced by 12%.

Added 12 new weapon types. These weapon types can only be dropped in World Tier 5:

MG5 Light Machinegun

Infantry MG5 Light Machinegun

Famas Assault Rifle

Model 700 Marksman Rifle

M700 Tactical Marksman Rifle

M700 Carbon Marksman Rifle

Converted USC Submachinegun

Police UMP-45 Submachinegun

Tactical UMP-45 Submachinegun

Snub nosed Rhino Pistol

Rhino Pistol

Rhino Special Pistol

93R Pistol

Added 4 new High-End named weapons (available at various gear scores depending on source):

Golden Rhino

Urban MDR Assault Rifle

Tommy Gun

Thompson M1928

Gear Sets
Final Measure

4 pieces: Grenades can now be picked up every 8 seconds instead of 15 seconds.

Hunter's Faith

3 pieces: Headshot bonus reduced from 20% to 10%.

FrontLine has been added

2 pieces: +15% Protection from Elites

3 pieces: +30% Ballistic Shield Health

4 pieces: Allows using an SMG if one is equipped when Ballistic Shield is deployed. SMG Crit Chance is reduced to 0%

Skill changes

All Mods (except Recon Pack): Decreased lifetime by 20% from 25 seconds to 20 seconds.

Recon Pack:

Increased lifetime by 14.3% from 17.5 seconds to 20 seconds.

Decreased cooldown by 25% from 60 seconds to 45 seconds.

Tactical Scanner:

Increased cooldown by 10% from 60 seconds to 66 seconds.

First Aid


Increased Ally Heal by 10% from 1500 to 1650.


Decreased Self Heal by 10% from 1500 to 1350.

Increased cooldown by 10% from 60 seconds to 66 seconds.

Support Station

All Mods (except Immunizer): Increased Lifetime by 10% from 20 seconds to 22 seconds.

Sticky Bomb

Base Skill and Proximity Fuse: Decreased cooldown by 10% from 90 seconds to 81 seconds.


Decreased cooldown by 4.8% from 105 seconds to 100 seconds.

Seeker Mine


Decreased Bleed effect duration by 25% from 8 seconds to 6 seconds (total bleed damage is unchanged).

Ballistic Shield

Base Skill and all mods: NPCs will deal 10% more damage to the shield.

Smart Cover

All Mods (except Trapper): Decreased Skill Power impact on Damage Resistance, Weapon Stability and Weapon Accuracy buffs by 20% from 150% to 120%.

Tactical Link

Increased duration by 8.3% from 12 seconds to 13 seconds.

Survivor Link

Increased duration by 8.3% from 12 seconds to 13 seconds.

PC Only
[PC Only] Added a radial menu for emotes.

[PC Only] Added a new UI rendering setting that will reduce game latency at the cost of framerate.

Fixed a bug where players could trap elite NPCs inside a spawn closet during Dragon’s Nest – Eliminate the Collective checkpoint.

Fixed a bug where players would not be able to carry the Fuse box object if they were facing a certain angle.

Fixed instances where players could obtain High-End items at too low levels.

Fixed a bug where the interaction radius around the Crafting Table was too small.

Fixed a bug where weapon talents that would buff the player would be purged after switching weapons.

Fixed a bug where the Medved and Warlord High-End weapons would drop at 163 Gear Score in Incursions at any World Tier.

Fixed a bug where swapping out the 4th piece of a gear set with one of the same type would disable the 4-piece set bonus. This affected Tactician’s Authority, Sentry’s Call and Striker gear sets.

Fixed a bug where Wildfire, Shrapnel and Fear Tactics would not apply their effects to nearby enemy targets.

Fixed a bug where players would not be able to use Recovery Link signature skill while aiming another skill.

Fixed a bug where the Recovery Link would not automatically trigger if the player took fatal damage while aiming down sights.

Fixed a bug where weapon talents would not activate if the player had fulfilled exactly the required stat value.

Fixed a bug where equipping a weapon directly from dropped loot would replace the players current weapon instead of an empty slot.

Fixed a bug where sometimes looted containers and props would still be highlighted as loot-able in the game world.

Fixed a bug where recalibrating Enemy Armor Damage stat would not use the correct values at 163 Gear Score.

Fixed a replication issue that occurred when the player was performing a two-hand vault over an obstacle in the game world.

Fixed instances where the Fuse box objects would not replicate correctly when players would leave the mission instance.

Fixed game framerate while inside any inventory that has a large number of items.

Fixed a bug where the Signature Skill icon would not disappear when “auto-hide HUD” option was enabled.

Fixed a bug where players could not scroll an item description during item compare, in certain conditions.

Fixed a bug where the UI would not show the new item notification when a skill mod was unlocked due to a Base of Operation upgrade.

Fixed a bug where the Automatch megamap screen inside Underground mode would display activities that were not available for matchmaking.

Fixed a bug where the player’s health bar would overlap the Gear Score value while the Stash is open.

Fixed a bug where some vendors in the Base of Operations were not displayed on the megamap or the minimap.

Fixed a weird door.

Fixed a bug where Nimble talent would not work until reequipped if a cover to cover move is interrupted.

Fixed a bug where players could become invincible for a few seconds after using Survivor Link.

Fixed several instances of client crash.

Fixed a bug where Skill Haste would not correctly affect Support Station cooldown.

Fixed a bug where Judy Walters part 2 to 5 echos couldn’t be picked up correctly.

PC Specific [PC Only]
Fixed a bug where the first keyboard tap to deploy a skill would not register immediately after the skill was equipped or came off cooldown.

Fixed a bug where the player would not be able to shoot for several seconds after having thrown a skill or a grenade.

Fixed a bug where players would get unmuted after being killed in the Dark Zone.

Fixed a bug where the World Bracket UI was not affected by the HUD eye focus for the Tobii Eye Tracker.

Fixed a bug where players could still interact with the crafting table even though they received an “inventory is full” notification.

Fixed a bug where window size would not actually change when switching the video settings to windowed mode.


Patch notes: 1.6: Last Stand

Please note that you must own the Last Stand DLC to gain access to this content. Last Stand is available on February 28 for PC, PS4 and Xbox One.
Last Stand game mode

SHD tech data relays loaded with operational information were left behind in the Dark Zone when the JTF was forced to withdraw. Rogues have targeted these data relays and are attempting to access what is inside. Engage in 8 versus 8 PvP combat and secure the data before the Rogues can.
Fight to control three key tactical locations on one of 4 Dark Zone maps.
In order to capture a tactical location, the team will need to control three objectives inside the location. Once the tactical location is secured, the team will begin scoring points.
First team to reach the max score wins.
To help propel their team to victory, players can activate powerful fortifications and SHD tech tactical boosts.
New Incursion – Stolen Signal

Stolen Signal takes place in a civilian TV Broadcast center taken over by the infamous Rikers gang.
Players will venture into three different wings and face unique combat scenarios. Each encounter is meant to push players to play tactically and make the best use of their builds.
All wings bring their own challenges and rewards; completing all of them will unlock the final boss fight and the strongest opposition yet.
Update 1.6 Edit
The following content, changes, and bug fixes are available free for everyone. Update 1.6 is available on February 28 for PC, PS4 and Xbox One.


Dark Zone Map Expansion

Explore three new areas to the north of the Dark Zone. Engage powerful enemies and discover the dangers hiding around every corner.
Dark Zone Leaderboards

Earn rewards in the Dark Zone by participating in weekly and monthly activities tracked via the new Dark Zone leaderboards.
See how you stack up against other players in the Dark Zone on leaderboard activities that reset and change every week and month. All the tracked weekly and monthly activities count towards your total score. The higher your score, the better rewards you will earn when the leaderboards reset!
Dark Zone Contamination Events

The pockets of virus contamination in the subways below the Dark Zone are festering and becoming even more deadly. Cleaners have been attracted to the rising contamination. Players must manage their health as the virus eats away at their filter while battling against powerful Cleaners. Clear each Dark Zone subway of Cleaners to earn extra rewards.
Legendary difficulty

Pit yourself against elite LMB forces equipped with superior gear and advanced tactics.
Legendary difficulty strips missions of all narrative and focuses purely on combat scenarios.
Each Legendary mission has a single checkpoint, about halfway through.
Legendary difficulty is only available in World Tier 5.
Available missions: Napalm Production Site, WarrenGate Power Plant, Times Square Power Relay.
More options for character customization

Explore all new ways of customizing your agent, with weapon skins, backpack skins, new clothing sets and emotes!
Visit the Premium Vendor in The Terminal to unlock premium vanity content; stocks update weekly so check back regularly!


Increased the time to revive a downed teammate from 3s to 5s.
Bleed no longer blocks sprint. Instead it reduces movement speed by 20%. Additional applications refresh the timer.
Medkits can now be used at full health and cleanse the character of all applied status effects.
Hipfire stability has been significantly reduced when moving.
Increased Hip-fire penalties: Weapon spread is now wider while stability and recoil are also more impacted.
Player camera will now be impacted by hipfire, reducing their field of view the longer they keep firing.
There is now a short cooldown between each combat roll.
Body shot damage has been slightly increased in PvP (this change does not apply to PvE, headshot damage is unchanged).
Implemented visual feedback when an enemy player uses a Medkit.
The PvP damage multiplier has been set at 0.42. This applies to both Last Stand and the Dark Zone.


When entering a match of Last Stand, characters stats will be modified in order to bring a more stable balance to player versus player combat.

Gear pieces:
Automatically increase to Gear Score 256.
Main attributes (Firearms, Stamina, Electronics) will be increased to the maximum roll of the existing stat on each equipped piece.
All bonuses, included from gear and performance mods, will be increased to their maximum roll.
Automatically increase to Gear Score 256.
Talents unlock based on the normalized main attributes.
All bonuses (including from mods), damage and attributes will be increased to their maximum roll.
All players will be set to 35% armor mitigation value. This armor mitigation is affected by Talents and Skill buffs.
Player talents, Gear Set bonuses and Weapon Set bonuses function as normal.


Players can now fast travel between Dark Zone checkpoints.
Players will no longer lose Dark Zone experience and funds when killed in the Dark Zone if they are not Rogue.
Supply drops will now reward Dark Zone experience as well.
Koreatown is no longer classified as a Landmark.


Armor has been removed as a Major bonus from items and is replaced with Health.
Base Health has been added to the game. Depending on the World Tier you are in, you will automatically receive a given amount of Base Health for free.
Added a new bonus called “Resist All” which adds resistance to all types of status effects.
Older items (pre 1.6) with Health bonus will see this bonus replaced with a Resist All one.
Resist All is capped at 60%.
Resistances to status effects will now reduce the effect instead of having a chance to resist it. This means that a 10% bleed resist will lower the bleed damage and duration by 10% instead of having a 10% chance to ignore it.
When applied repeatedly in a short time, the player will naturally build up resistance to this status effect. In other words, status effects will now have diminishing returns when applied repeatedly to a player.
If the player manages to build up 100% resistance to a status effect, they will resist it entirely.


Rejuvenated now gives 40% resistance to all status effects for 10 seconds, when using a Medkit.


Gear Bonuses have been moved around on various Gear Pieces

- means the bonus is removed
+ means the bonus is added
= means the bonus remains the same


-Damage to Elite
-Damage from Elite
+Skill Haste
+Enemy Armor Damage
=Health on Kill
=Exotic Damage Resilience
=All Resistance


-Skill Haste
-Signature Skill Resource Gain
+Weapon Stability
=Critical Hit Damage
=Skill Power


-Damage to Elite
+Enemy Armor Damage
=Critical Hit Chance
=Health on Kill
=Exotic Damage Resilience
=Skill Power
=All Resistance


-Damage to Elite
+Enemy Armor Damage
+Skill Haste
=Critical Hit Chance
=Critical Hit Damage
=Health on Kill
=Assault rifle Damage
=LMG Damage
=Marksman rifle Damage
=Shotgun Damage
=SMG Damage
=Pistol Damage


-Damage to Elite
-Damage from Elite
+Enemy Armor Damage
+Skill Power
=Critical Hit Damage
=Exotic Damage Resilience
=All Resistance


-Damage from Elite
-Pistol Damage
+Critical Hit Chance
+Reload Speed
=Skill Haste

Other changes to stats:

Enemy Armor Damage is now a Major bonus and no longer a Minor.
Damage to Elites is now a Minor bonus and no longer a Major.
Damage from Elite values have been halved.
Pistol Damage is doubled on gloves.


With all these changes to Gear stats, here are the details of how existing gear should convert with this update.

If you had a native Armor bonus (not recalibrated), it will be turned into health.
If you had a recalibrated Armor bonus, the recalibration will reset and you will be back to the initial bonus the item had when it was acquired.
If you had a native Health bonus (not recalibrated), it will be turned into All Resistance.
If you had a recalibrated Health bonus on any other Gear Piece, the recalibration will reset.
If you had a recalibrated Health bonus in Chestpiece and no native armor roll on this piece, the Health roll will remain.
If you had a recalibrated Health bonus in Chestpiece and a native armor roll on this piece, the recalibration will reset as you would otherwise end up with 2 Health bonuses.
If you had a recalibrated Health bonus in any other Gear Piece, the recalibration will reset.
If you had a recalibrated Skill Haste bonus on your backpack, the recalibration will reset.
If you had a recalibrated Pistol Damage bonus on your holster, and the holster was acquired after update 1.5, the recalibration will reset.
If you had a recalibrated Enemy Armor Damage or Damage to Elite and the item was acquired after update 1.5, the recalibration will reset.
All recalibrations on Exotic weapons will reset.
Unique talents on Exotic weapons cannot be recalibrated.
Free talents on Exotic weapons that don’t have a Unique talent (Liberator, Centurion, Eir and Hildr) can be recalibrated.
Note that when a recalibration resets, the money spent will be reimbursed, based on the recalibration costs of Update 1.6. Since recalibration now has a cost cap, if the initial recalibration costed more, you will only be reimbursed according to this cap.


On the move reduced to 15%.
Battle Buddy reduced to 30%.
Critical Save reduced to 20%.
Adrenaline will no longer apply Overheal. Instead it replaces the instant heal of Medkits with a heal over time that can also apply while taking damage.


Changes to Skill Power:

The Skill Power curve has been modified, resulting in less efficient skills at low Skill Power, and more efficient skills at high Skill Power.
Skills will now scale to the World Tier you are currently in as an “expected Skill Power” has been implemented.
Diminishing return on Skill Power will not kick in before 450 000 Skill Power.
All skills have been adapted to this new scaling.
Skill Haste gear bonuses have been increased by 100%.

Skill Haste has a cap of 50%.

Sticky Bomb

Changed Flashbang mod to have only a flashbang effect.
Replaced the Proximity Fuse mod with Disruptor, which has an EMP effect. Its explosion radius has been increased to 9 meters.
Added warning and delay to Sticky Bomb. This means that Sticky Bombs, except for Disruptor, will no longer detonate immediately, but after some time.
First Aid

Defibrillator will now heal in 2 steps, one instant burst of healing following by a heal over time.
Booster Shot: Damage Mitigation bonus decreased by 50% from 15% to 7.5%.Turret
Shock Turret will no longer deal any damage and only shock the enemy.
Base skill and Active Sensor: Range decreased from 35 meters to 25 meters.
All mods except Shock: Base health reduced by 25%.
All mods: Skill Power impact on health reduced.
Mobile Cover

All mods: Base cooldown increased by 33%.Pulse
Reduced impact of Skill Power on Critical Hit Chance and Critical Hit Damage.
Tactical Scanner
Critical Hit Chance increased by +20%.
Critical Hit Damage reduced by -11%.
Smart Cover

Damage Resilience decreased by 33%.
Reduced impact of Skill Power on Damage Resilience.
All mods: Base cooldown increased by 9%.Seeker Mine
All mods: Added a PvP damage modifier that applies to all PvP activities, to reduce its potency. The multiplier is set to 40%.
Base cooldown increased by 17%.
The stagger effect has been removed. Explosion damage has been decreased, bleed damage has been increased.
Support Station

All mods: Radius decreased from 8 meters to 7,5 meters.
Life Support: Revive time increased from 3 seconds to 5 seconds.
Support Station heal procs have a 1-second cooldown.
Signature Skills:

The exhaust that applies after a player received a Signature Skill effect is extended to 60 seconds (from 30 seconds).
Players will no longer be able to trigger a Signature Skill if they are under the exhaust effect from a previous application.
Signature Skills cooldown will now be affected by Skill Haste.
Tactical Link
Damage bonus is decreased to 10% in Last Stand. (this change doesn’t apply outside of Last Stand, where the bonus remains at 30%).
Weapon Stability will be more hindered by the rate of fire bonus.


4 pieces equipped: When used, your Ballistic Shield has no skill mod active. It will no longer remove Critical Chance from your weapon.
Characters will now automatically switch to their sidearm if the SMG runs out of ammo.
2 pieces equipped: +30% Support Station range.
3 pieces equipped: +50% Support Station duration.
4 pieces equipped: All Support Station mods are active at the same time.
4 pieces equipped: Now only provides the 3rd (free) talent of the unused weapon instead of all three. All talents ignore unlock requirements.
Tactician's Authority
2 pieces equipped: +15% Skill Haste.
4 pieces equipped: Now consumes the skill power buff on skill use instead of after 10 seconds.
Banshee's Shadow
4 pieces equipped:
While Rogue, all ammo is completely refilled every 30 seconds. Damage taken from non-rogue players reduced by 10%. (no change)
While not Rogue, Damage to Rogue players is increased by 10%. This bonus is increased to 20% for 10 minutes after being killed by a rogue.
4 pieces equipped: Now only works with zoomed scopes.


High-End Named items become Exotic:
This quality comes with a new item color.
Exotic weapons have been removed from the Advanced Weaponry Vendor.
Updates sources for Exotics: Some sources have been moved around. We also added more sources with chances to drop any Exotic.
Exotics Caches have been added to the game. These guarantee an Exotic item when opened.
Phoenix Credits cap has been increased from 2000 to 5000.
The scavenger box in the Base of Operations will now properly scale with world tier.
Weekly Assignment Caches will now guarantee an Exotic item.
Exotic items sold at Vendors have had their prices slightly increased.
Gear Set items have been lowered to be equivalent to High End prices.


Recalibrations are now unlimited. This means that once a stat is picked for recalibration, it can be recalibrated as many times at the player has currency to pay for it. The cost will increase at first but eventually cap and no longer increase.


Base damage on all weapons has been reduced to balance correctly with the reduced damage mitigation from the change to Armor (note that NPC health and damage has also been adapted to preserve the Time to Kill and Time to be Killed values pre 1.6).
SMGs have been given back their Critical Hit Chance, with a maximum roll of around 22%.
Coolheaded will now have a small cooldown to not trigger repeatedly with automatic weapons.
Base Damage increased by 4%.
Damage falloff at range reduced by 40%.
Provident talent: The last bullet of a magazine deals 10% more damage. (Instead of 60%)
Named Weapons

All Named Weapons are now of Exotic Quality.
Exotic weapons now each have a unique talent in the 3rd free slot. The other 2 talents are rolled randomly from the list of talents available to this weapon type.
Exotic weapons owned pre-Update 1.6 will have the new unique talent added and their remaining talents randomly rerolled.
Exotic weapon talents are not transferred to the other weapon when using AlphaBridge.
Exotic talents cannot be recalibrated. See above for more information about how recalibration works for legacy items.
Exotic weapons each received a unique descriptive lore text in their UI.

Some Exotic Weapons now function as Gear Sets: The unique talent unlocks when two specific Exotic weapons are equipped.
FAMAS is now an Exotic weapon and Uncomplicated its unique talent. It has been renamed Bullfrog.
Base damage increased by 11.7%.
Tommy Gun
Carefree: Hipfire damage is increased by 11%.
Center Mass: Shoots heavy slugs instead of buckshot.
Hungry Hog
Glutton: Killing a target increases your damage dealt by 10% until you stop firing. Multiple kills stack this bonus up to 5 times.
Lights out: Destroying an enemy weak point resets skill cooldowns for you and your nearby group members. This talent has a 10-second cooldown.
Pakhan: Each kill makes the next reload have 20% extra bullets compared to its base.
Liberator & Centurion (Weapon Gear Set)
Free Republic: Each shot with the Liberator grabts +5% to you next headshot damage with the Centurion. Max is 200%. Kills with the Centurion grant +10% RPM to all weapons for 10 seconds.
Valkyria becomes Hildr & Eir (Weapon Gear Set)
Valkyria: Each hit with Hildr increases critical hit damage by 1% to a max of 30. The bonus decreases by 1 every second. This bonus only applies to Eir.
Hildr cannot crit.
Boomstick: Double trigger fires off both barrels in short succession.
Urban MDR
Base damage increased by 65%.
Distracted: Your damage is increased by 18% against targets with status effects.
Play rough: Damage taken is reduced by 20% while firing. The taken damage is applied when you stop firing.
Thompson M1928
Carefree: Hipfire damage is increased by 11%.
Quickdraw: When drawn weapon damage is increased by 20% for 2 seconds. After that weapon damage is decreased by 20%.
Golden Rhino
Golden Rhino: Increase stagger by 200%.
History repeats: Each bullet embers itself in the target and detonates 2 seconds later for 700% of the user’s Firearms.
Caduceus: Each Critical Hit heals you and your group for 1% of the user’s Skill Power. This talent has a 0.2 seconds cooldown. A player can only be healed by one Caduceus at a time.
Midas: Each bullet you hit with reduces your damage by 1% and your target's damage by 1% to a max of 20%. The effect is reduced by 5% per second.
Base damage increased by 11%.


Civilians will now always drop Target Intel when helped.
Collectibles will now reward players with more XP when picked up at level 30.


Crafting High End pistols will no longer cost Division Tech
Updated Survival Cache content: it no longer has a specific drop that weights towards weapons introduced in Survival and has a more generic drop instead. Exotic items have a small chance to drop as a bonus.
Reviving players from downed state will now cost a Medkit.
When matchmaking in Solo PvP Survival, players will end up in a guaranteed Solo instance where grouping is not possible.
Players can no longer “loot and kill” other downed players in PvE Survival.
Supplies available around the different spawn hideouts have been rebalanced.


Killing NPCs will now grant Underground XP instead of normal XP. This means that players will no longer earn normal XP when playing Underground.
Underground Caches now guarantee two items instead of one. Exotic items have a small chance to drop as a bonus.


Increased the Weekly Rewards on all Challenging and Heroic Incursions.


[PC Only] Several improvements and bug fixes made to gamepad support on PC.


Fixed a bug where sometimes consumables would not be consumed when used in Survival mode or normal gameplay.
Fixed a bug where the game would return an incorrect out of playable map area error in DZ06.
Fixed a bug where the UI would incorrectly reflect the protection bonus from Hunter’s Faith. gear set talent when two or more players had the 4-piece bonus active while in close proximity.
Fixed a bug where players could accidentally use consumables while browsing the emote wheel.
Fixed a bug where the Pulse Master skill would not always trigger the early warning for hostile characters.
Fixed several instances of Ballistic Shield becoming unusable.
Fixed a bug where Recovery Link would not trigger correctly.
Fixed a bug where players would be unable to do anything for a few seconds after using a skill.
Fixed a bug where the UI QuickNav function would not work properly.
Fixed a bug where crafting material quality would not scale properly with world tier.
Fixed a bug on PlayStation 4 where players would be stuck in infinite loading.
Fixed a bug where weapon talents would not activate if the character attribute values were equal, but not higher than the requirements.
Fixed several instances of delay when using First Aid.
Fixed a bug where Vigorous talent would not work properly.
Fixed a bug where players would be able to use consumables infinitely.
Fixed a bug where the Competent weapon talent would not work for certain skills.
Fixed a bug where the Coolheaded weapon talent would reduce consumable duration.
Fixed a bug where the NPC audio would not work after ending a Survival game mode session.
Fixed a bug where a Favorited item could be accidentally marked as junk.
Fixed a bug where NPCs would often get perfect aim.
Fixed a bug where mods could be unequipped randomly when relogging into the game.
Fixed a bug with Mobile Cover where talents Adept, Competent and Capable would stay active until either the cover was destroyed or the player changed cover.
Fixed a bug where sometimes the player would lose input functionality after closing the stash.
Fixed a bug where the Signature skill cooldown would not update on the party’s UI if used outside of party range.
Fixed a bug with the Chromatic aberration graphical setting.
Fixed a bug where crafted level 34 extended magazines would roll with lower stats than intended.
Fixed a bug where the Nimble talent could revive the player from a downed/dead state.
Fixed a bug where enemies would be stuck behind a door during a mission in the Garment District.
Fixed a bug where Brycce Thompson would randomly repeat some of his lines even after the player completes the related mission.
Fixed several instances of FPS drops and freezes.


Update 1.6.1 Patch Notes

Loadouts offer players the chance to save their equipped Weapons, Gear, Skills and Talents to Loadout slots, allowing for quick swapping of builds to be used for different activities.
Players will be able to create and save up to 6 Loadouts per character.
Each Loadout can be directly equipped when out of combat.

Aim assist will no longer be activated when players hip-fire with a controller.
Fixed several bugs that could prevent players from being revived by skills or player interaction if they were previously being revived by a support station and this revive was canceled for various reasons.
Fixed instances of HVT bosses remaining stuck in their spawn room preventing completion of the contract.
Fixed instances where players would be stuck “in combat” with NPCs outside of the mission area after completing a mission.
Fixed a bug where Resistance to Status Effects would still be counted as a chance to resist the effect altogether, on top of reducing its duration. The resistance value will now correctly only reduce the duration of a Status Effect.
Fixed a bug where a few fire extinguishers would deal high amount of damage to NPCs in some missions. For consistency, fire extinguishers in the entire game will no longer deal any damage and only apply the disorient effect to NPCs.
Fixed a bug where grenades thrown by LMB grenadiers would sometimes apply stagger and damage before they actually detonated.

Backpack capacity will no longer be randomly generated for all High-End, Exotic and Gear Sets backpacks. Instead, they will all have a capacity of 110 (120 with all Base of Operations perks unlocked). This change is retroactive.
Level 34 extended magazines will now roll between 109% and 121% extra magazine size (instead of 109 to 111%). This change is not retroactive.
Existing old level 33 extended magazines that had a magazine size bonus above 108% will be reduced to 108%.
Nimble will now apply healing over time in 4 ticks over 4 seconds.
NinjaBike Backpack has been removed from all loot tables until it can be correctly revamped. That means that it will no longer drop from NPCs or in Exotic Caches.
Fixed a bug where some items could not be recalibrated to the maximum stat range that was displayed at the recalibration station. (reported by Bratwurst.Bob)
Fixed a bug with Path of the Nomad where the four-piece talent cooldown progress would reset upon death in Last Stand. (reported by Koto2016)
Fixed a bug with Tactician’s Authority where the 4 piece bonus wouldn’t reset correctly when starting a back-to-back Last Stand game session.

Fixed a bug with Shrapnel where the bleed effect would not correctly apply to nearby enemies when using the 4 pieces Predator Gear Set.
Fixed a bug with Triage where the cooldown reduction would not display properly in the UI. (reported by Morph2o)
Fixed a bug with Rapid talent where the cooldown reduction would not display correctly in the Skills menu. (reported by AngeliusMefyrx)
Fixed a bug with Nimble talent where the player could be revived by the talent if they died during cover to cover movement.
Fixed a bug with Fear Tactics where the shock effect would not correctly apply to nearby enemies.
Fixed a bug with Wildfire where the burn effect would not correctly apply to nearby enemies.
Fixed a bug where the Pakhan talent would only work on NPCs and not on players.

Burst fire weapons will now have a maximum RPM, making it impossible to reach non-burst rate of fire with specific control modifications. This includes Burst Fire MP5, FAL and 93R.
Base Flinch has been significantly reduced on all weapons. This change affects both PvP and PvE (NPCs weapons will cause less Flinch).

Seeker Mine - Airburst
Fire effect has been reworked into a real status effect that can be cleansed using MedKits.
Stagger effect has been completely removed from this mod.
Signature Skills:
Fixed a bug where players would sometimes not receive the correct bonus Signature Skill cooldown reduction when killing NPCs or other players.
Fixed a bug where throwable skills would become unusable after the player receives a status effects while aiming them.
Fixed a bug with Ballistic Shield where the player could end up shooting his own shield when reloading and interacting with the Shield deployed.
Fixed instances of incorrect animations when using the Ballistic Shield with the D3-FNC Gear Set and an SMG.
Fixed the description of Mobile Cover - Blast Shield that did not clearly indicate that it also applies a blind effect to hostiles.
Fixed a bug where players would not be healed by First Aid if they are damaged while in the radius of the skill.
Fixed a bug where the slowing effect of bleed would apply multiple times on a character using a ballistic shield.
Fixed a bug with First Aid Booster Shot where applying the skill another time while the buff was still active would not refresh its duration.
Fixed a bug with Ballistic Shield when using 4 piece D3-FNC where the mod bonuses would still apply despite what the Gear Set talent states.

Fixed a bug in Grand Central where the turrets would remain active after completing the mission. (reported by Pardone39)
Fixed a bug in Time Square Power Relay where the boss could run outside of the mission area. (reported by Bratwurst.Bob)
Fixed a bug in Napalm Production Site Legendary mode where the mission could stop working if players stayed idle for too long.
Fixed a bug in Hudson Refugee Camp where doors could remain closed when a turret was used in proximity.
Fixed a bug in Napalm Production Site where players would be unable to complete the mission if they fast travel during the “Escape the building” step.

Stolen Signal
Fixed a bug where Curveball would stop throwing grenades during the fight.
Fixed a bug where a Heavy Riker could move too slow and therefore not give enough time to players to kill him before the timer runs out.
Fixed a bug where a Heavy Riker could remain stuck in the spawn location in the Boss room.
Fixed a bug where Checkers would not show in specific conditions.
Fixed a bug with several incursions where the final enemy waves would not spawn in specific situations.

The Ammo crate was moved to a new location at the beginning of a new Underground phase to make it easier to access.
Fixed a bug in Secure the Intel missions where the last objective “Recover the Report” could be located outside of the map, making the mission impossible to complete. (reported by TheNenah)
Fixed a bug where players could be stuck in an unplayable dungeon if they disconnected in the last room of a dungeon.
Fixed a bug where the player would face the elevator instead of the stairs when returning to the Terminal from the Operation Center.

Fixed a bug that would allow players to group in a Solo Survival session.
Fixed several locations in Survival where players could end up stuck.
Fixed several instances where the Hunter would not spawn for players standing at specific locations when another player triggered an extraction.
Fixed a bug in Survival where a group of two would be disbanded if one member would be disconnected and reconnect immediately.
Fixed another weird door.

Added Proficiency Marks to Last Stand: Proficiency Marks are awarded to the player who scores the highest in a particular gameplay role.
Each team gets their own list of Proficiency Marks.
Multiple Proficiency Marks can be given to the same player.
Proficiency Marks are updated in real time throughout the match on the scoreboard.
Earning one or more Proficiency Mark will boost the player’s personal score at the end of the Last Stand game.
Improvements to Team Management menu: Players can now consistently view members of the Allied group and use the mute/inspect functionality as they would with members of their own group.
Signature Skills Passive resource gain from killing NPCs and players will no longer apply in Last Stand as it was working very inconsistently. Resource gain from other sources like Talents will still work.
Improvements were made to the Spawn logic to limit the possibility of Spawn camping.
Improvements were made to some Fortification areas to improve fortification turrets line of sights.
Fixed a bug where players could be stuck in loading when starting back to back Last Stand game sessions.
Fixed a bug in Last Stand where players could capture a neutral or enemy point while in dead state.
Fixed several instances where players could respawn in unplayable areas when killed in certain locations.
Fixed a bug where players would be able to shoot through the tactical locations on some maps.
Fixed a bug where the health bar of turret fortifications may not correctly display to the player.
Fixed a bug where an incorrect message would display when a player who had not fully completed the Last Stand introduction mission would try to matchmake.
Fixed a bug where players were able to matchmake for Last Stand without completing the Last Stand tutorial mission first.
Fixed several instances of game crashes during Last Stand gameplay.
Fixed a bug where players were able to activate consumables before a Last Stand match began.
Fixed a bug where fortification turrets could sometime shoot through specific walls.
Fixed a bug where players joining an ongoing Last Stand session would in some cases not correctly see all spawn locations available on the map.
Fixed a bug where the Megamap may become unavailable when opened before the match begins.
Fixed a bug where the Player Report screen would overlap with the Last Stand end match screen.
Fixed a bug where Enemy fortifications would sometimes show in Blue instead of Red in the starting location of the enemy team.
Fixed a bug where the Pulse fortification would sometimes not work correctly.
Fixed a bug where using Recovery Link in proximity of an enemy who used Recovery Link just before would lead to the skill being unusable after its cooldown. (This bug only occurred in Last Stand)
Fixed a bug where the Dark Zone Rank Up visual effect may appear on other players in Last Stand.
Fixed a bug where players were able to matchmake into Last Stand when they had contaminated items in their inventory.
Fixed a bug where weapon talent requirements would not correctly scale to their Gear Score 256 value if the player entered a Last Stand mode with weapon below Gear Score 256. (reported by a5onAPUSHexam)
Fixed a bug in Last Stand where the Gear Score may be displayed instead of the Last Stand rank in the group management screen.
Fixed a bug where players joining a session in progress would not see any player information on the matchmaking screen.

Fixed several instances of graphical corruption in various locations of the game.
Fixed several instances of incorrect lightings.
Fixed several instances of disappearing props in the world
Fixed several instances of incorrectly placed props.
Fixed several instances of missing textures.
Fixed several instances where players could end up outside of playable area.
Improvements were made to collisions and cover in several areas of the map (Open World and Dark Zone).
Improvements were made to several locations where players could end up stuck.

Added rewards for clearing a Landmark in the Dark Zone. Players will now receive Dark Zone experience, currency as well as one non-contaminated item directly to their inventory.
Significant Level Design changes and improvements were made to several locations in the Dark Zone to limit unfair encounters.
Fixed an issue where some Landmarks would not show as cleared after all NPCs had been killed. (reported by illneptune)
Fixed several instances of Landmarks not spawning second wave of enemies after the first wave was cleared.
Fixed a bug where clearing a Landmark or a Dark Zone Supply Drop in a DZ bracket below level 30 would show 0 Phoenix Credits awarded. The reward screen will no longer list Phoenix Credits as reward in a DZ bracket below level 30.
Fixed a bug where the named NPC was missing at the Arch Plaza Landmark in DZ04.
Fixed a bug where the Dark Zone North mission could break if multiple group members would interact at the same time with desk in the DZ09 safehouse.
Fixed a bug where players would be unable to fast travel to Dark Zone checkpoints if they were unlocked from within the Dark Zone.
Fixed a bug in DZ09 Landmark Greenhouse where enemies would not spawn if players were standing too close to the spawn location.

Inventory tab bar will no longer appear when inspecting an item.
Removed the UI sound playing when the HUD would autohide, as it would repeat too often and become annoying.
Added a new setting to allow players to adjust their aim sensitivity while looking through a scope.
Fixed a bug where resisting a Bleed effect may not be correctly indicated to other players.
Fixed a bug where items available in the Reward Claim Vendor would display at “0” quantity.
Fixed a bug where the UI would disappear during a Last Stand match.
Fixed a bug in the Dark Zone where the “Loot” button would display the text “Contaminated” if the player’s inventory was full when trying to loot with the examine option.
Fixed a bug in the Dark Zone where the “Item stolen” message color could be inconsistent with the quality of the stolen item.
Fixed a bug where the Dark Zone rank may be displayed incorrectly in the Friends and Group panel.
Fixed a bug where the “Sell in Bulk” confirmation screen would show twice.
Fixed several instances of incoherent ISAC GPS pathfinding.
Fixed a bug where clicking on “Scroll Up” and “Scroll Down” buttons in specific menu would not actually scroll the page.
Fixed a bug where selecting any matchmaking on the Megamap could lead the player to be matchmade to Last Stand even if they chose another activity. (reported by Ins0mn1ac13)
Fixed a bug where Grenade types would change position randomly on the Grenade Wheel.
Fixed a bug where the Appearance Vendor menu couldn’t be closed when it was empty.
Fixed a bug when acquiring new vanity items where the amount of new items would also show on the pouch tab.
Fixed a bug when comparing items from a Vendor menu where the stats displayed for the equipped item could be incorrect.

Added a new Control Setting to allow players to select their Gamepad detection mode.
Several improvements were made to improve texture and model loading speed.
Fixed a bug where scope aiming could be offset when having dual display set to left or right in the settings.
Fixed a bug where pressing ESC to go out of Stash menu may make the UI disappear until ESC is pressed again.
Fixed a bug where players would be unable to scroll through their contaminated items if they had more than 5 in the inventory.
Fixed a bug where players would be unable to type in the chat window on the Last Stand post match screen.
Fixed a bug that could cause rapid camera jumps in the Base of Operation entrance.
Fixed a bug where turning v-sync off could lead to increased loading times.
Fixed a bug where rebound key bindings to use a combination of keys would only illuminate one of the keys when using a Logitech LED keyboard.
Fixed a bug where the key bound to Scoreboard would not illuminate when using a Logitech LED keyboard.
Fixed a bug where fps could drop significantly when the frame rate limiter option was activated.
Fixed a bug where players could be disconnected from the game after buying Premium Credits.
Fixed a bug on Xbox One where the game could crash when finishing a streaming installation.
Fixed several instances of appearance items causing graphic glitches and clipping.


Update 1.7 Edit

New feature: Global Events
Global Events are time-limited events that add special modifiers to the PvE parts of The Division.
Taking part in a Global Event will award you Tokens that you can use to purchase Classified Gear caches (detailed below) and unique vanity items (that are currently not included on the PTS).
The Global Event features a modifier that can be applied to existing content. Two extra modifiers can be enabled to increase the challenge and the rewards.
Earn Global Event Tokens by playing the content and exchange them for Global Event Caches at the vendor.
Rewards include
Three Classified Gear Sets.
Three different Weapon Skins.
One vanity set.
Global Event specific Commendations are available to challenge you even further.

New feature: Commendations & Patches
Commendations introduce hundreds of challenges across several categories for agents to accomplish. Commendations cover all aspects and areas of the game, both for PvE and PvP.
Unlocking achievements reward the player with Commendation Score. Your tallied score is displayed to other agents.
Some special Commendations award a Patch, a brand new vanity item. These Patches are displayed on the agent’s arm, replacing the default Phoenix patch.

New feature: Face Masks
Face Masks are new vanity items allowing players to further customize the look of their agent.
Face Masks can be obtained during Global Events.

New feature: Face customization
The Base of Operations now include a room with an interactive mirror that you can use to change your agent’s appearance. You can find the room by turning right straight after you have entered the Terminal from the Base of Operation stairs.

New feature: Encrypted Cache
An Encrypted Cache is a loot container obtained from the Premium Vendor in the terminal. It requires a key to open.
Encrypted Caches contain unique appearance items, emotes and skins.
Cipher Keys are needed to open Encrypted Caches. These keys are created by collecting key fragments, which are available from normal gameplay. 10 key fragments are needed to create one Cipher Key. Keys can also be purchased from the Premium Vendor.
Unique appearance items from the Encrypted Caches are organized in Collections that can be found in the Vanity tab. Once a Collection has been completed, the agent will receive a reward.

New feature: Classified Gear Sets
Classified Gear Set pieces are unique gear set pieces for pre-existing gear sets and will feature 5 and 6-piece bonuses.
Classified Gear Set pieces can initially only be received from participating in Global Events.
After a Global Event has concluded, the Classified Gear pieces can be found during normal gameplay, but with lower drop rates than during Global Events.
Classified Gear Set pieces have higher Primary Stat Range than normal Gear Set pieces.
Primary Stat Range: 1274 – 1401
Classified Gear Sets can receive two recalibrations.
Three Classified Gear sets will be introduced for every Global Event. These Classified Gear Sets are:

Lone Star
5 Piece:
+50% Ammo Capacity
+12% LMG Damage
+12% Shotgun Damage
6 Piece: Berserker
When a weapon has 50% of its magazine remaining, there is a 75% chance to receive a bonus that activates when the final bullet is fired from the current magazine. Once activated, the magazine is instantly refilled, weapon damage is increased by 20%, fire rate is increased by 20%, and stability and accuracy are decreased to 0. The bonus is cancelled by reloading or exiting combat.

Final Measure
5 Piece:
+15% Exotic Damage Resilience
+15% Protection from Elites
6 Piece: Improved Final Measure
When a grenade is defused the player and all group members within 30 meters gain a buff based on the grenade type that was defused.
-EMP/Shock: Skill power increased by 20% for 8 seconds.
-HE/Incendiary: Weapon damage increased by 20% for 8 seconds
-Flashbang/Tear Gas: Damage Mitigation increased by 20% for 8 seconds
5 Piece:
+40% Initial Bullet Stability
+20% Marksman Rifle Critical Hit Damage
6 Piece: Improved DeadEYE
When zoomed, getting a headshot kill with Marksman rifles will increase critical hit damage by 20% every second to a maximum of 100% and will increase stability by 100%. Lasts for 10 seconds or until no longer zoomed.

Game changes

Blueprints are now shared across all characters on a same account.
Currencies are now shared across all characters on a same account.
Crafting materials are now shared across all characters on a same account.
After a Medkit cleanses a Status Effect, it will grant a temporary, three-second invulnerability to the cleansed Effect.
Fixed a bug where players could get the On Fire status effect even though they had 100% burn resistance. Note that players can still take damage from certain fire attacks, such as Cleaner flamethrowers.
Fixed a bug where players receiving a burn status effect right after throwing a grenade or throwable skill would disable the grenade or skill.
Fixed a bug where players could run faster than they should by spamming the sprint button.
Fixed gamepad maximum scope sensitivity being lower than intended. Maximum sensitivity is now the same as it was in 1.6.
Fixed a bug where a player would skip downed state and jump directly to dead state if killed after having pressed “give up” briefly during a previous revive attempt.

Weapon Balance
All weapons
Added a hard cap on RPM for all weapons. It will no longer be possible to overcome the RPM limitation of a weapon, no matter what shooting method is used.
SVD recoil and spread have been retuned to be in line with the M1A.
Adjusted the RPM value shown in Burst Fire weapons’ UI to reflect their actual RPM instead of the RPM of the Burst alone. This change also results in an updated DPS value for said weapons. Note that this is a UI change only to better reflect the behavior of these weapons; their actual fire rate and damage have not changed.

Gear Sets
Ballistic Shield: 3-Piece bonus changed from 30% Ballistic Shield Health to +10% Damage to Elite.
Fixed a bug with Banshee where ammo would not refill correctly after going Rogue.

NinjaBike messenger bag
Talent: NinjaBike messenger bag
Slots in with any equipped Gear Set item to fulfill a requirement towards unlocking a Gear Sets bonus. Can unlock bonuses from multiple sets simultaneously. Cannot unlock Classified Gear Set bonuses.
Pahkan weapon talent will now only apply the bonus mag size on reload. This means that refills from Leticulous and Lone Star 6 piece will only fill the magazine to the base unbuffed amount.
Fixed a bug where Pakhan’s talent could be staked if the reload animation was interrupted.
Kills with the Historian explosion will now trigger the Disciplined Talent.

Stable talent will now increase stability by 10% instead of 35%. (this change is retroactive)
The Coolheaded & Determined talents will now have an effect on cooldowns for all skills, including Signature Skills.
Fixed a bug where Triage would be applied multiple times.
Fixed a bug with Battle Buddy where the buff would apply twice if the player revived himself with a Support Station.
Fixed a bug where Talented would proc when killing an enemy with a skill or grenade instead of the weapon itself. Fixed a bug where Strike Back would also reduce Medkits cooldown.

Minor color tweaks has been made to make the Loadout UI more consistent.
Fixed an issue where switching mods on a Loadout while having a full inventory could override the backpack capacity.
Fixed an issue where a player cannot switch between two identical Loadouts using different mods while having a full backpack.
Fixed a bug where certain audio clips would loop.

Ballistic Shield:
Added a PvP modifier to damage applied to the shield. Player damage to other players’ shields will now be increased by 20% in PvP.
Fixed a bug where the Ballistic Shield would not take damage from your own grenade or Sticky Bomb.
Fixed an issue with Ballistic Shield Riot Shield buff, where the agent could get multiple buffs by performing certain actions.
Fixed an issue where the Pulse icon would overlap other UI elements.
Seeker Mine:
Explosion damage has been reduced from 900 to 600.
Airbust Mod damage has been reduced from 300 to 120.
Fixed a bug where the Seeker Mine with Cluster mod would sometimes be unable to detonate on a target if the target was on top of a cover.
Sticky Bomb:
Fixed an issue where Sticky Bomb explosion would sometime only apply in a plane instead of a sphere, leading to no damage being applied to enemies at various height.
EMP Sticky Bomb no longer staggers the enemy.
Support Station:
Fixed a bug where if an agent revived by another skill while in a Support Station’s area of effect would cause the Support Station to despawn.
Fixed a bug where an agent could not be revived by First Aid if they were being revived by a Support Station that was destroyed before the revive finished.
Fixed a bug where the Support Station would remain in the agent’s hand after deploying it.
Fixed a bug where an agent would sometimes not get revived if a group member used First Aid with the Defibrillator mod.
Fixed a bug where an agent would get revived if the agent was in the process of self-reviving from a friendly Support Station but tried to cancel the action.
Fixed a bug where the Support Station Master Mod heal would still apply if the player canceled his station right after it was destroyed.
First Aid:
Fixed a bug where the First Aid Defibrillator revive would not be prioritized over other slower revives while they were in progress.
Fixed a bug where the First Aid’s effect would be delayed while the projectile slowly descended to the ground.
Fixed a bug with First Aid Defibrillator where a player equipped with a Vigorous chest rolling into the area would only receive the instant heal and not the heal over time.
Mobile Cover:
Fixed a bug where the Mobile Cover could be knocked down by other agents and enemy NPCs even though they were under immobilizing status effects.
Fixed a bug with Mobile Cover where an agent could be lifted above ground.
Fixed the description of the Mobile Cover Countermeasures mod so that it now clearly states that shooting a target while being in cover on it will pulse the target for 5 seconds.
Fixed an issue with the Mobile Cover Countermeasures mod where group members would not get the concealment when taking cover behind it.
Fixed a bug where group member’s skill cooldowns would not be decreased when taking cover in an area affected by Smart Cover with the Recharger mod.
Fixed a bug where attempting to use a skill immediately after entering the Dark Zone would result in the skill going into cooldown.
Recovery Link can no longer be used while firing your weapon, similar to Survivor and Tactical Link.
Fixed an issue with the Turret’s target prioritization.

Fixed a bug in Napalm Production Site where an agent could defeat Joe Ferro inside his room before defeating his guards.
Fixed a bug in Grand Central Station where the turrets were reactivated after player death.
Fixed an issue where Hudson Refugee Camp became impossible to complete if the bosses are killed too quickly on Challenge Mode.
Fixed an issue in WarrenGate Power Plant where a door would refuse to open if the player dies before completing a certain objective.
Fixed several instances in different missions, including Russian Consulate and Napalm Production Site, where the player could get stuck or shoot through walls and floors.
Fixed a weird door in the General Assembly parking lot.
Fixed a location where the player could throw a Seeker Mine through a wall and kill all the enemies on the other side.
Fixed a location in General Assembly where a glass panel could get in the way in the fight against Raptor.

Fixed a bug where Underground Directives would not continue across Underground phases.
Fixed an issue with the Mad Skills Directive where the second skill would go on cooldown when the player aimed his first one.
Fixed a bug where the agent could fast travel to the Underground while carrying contaminated items.
Fixed some big weird doors in the Underground.
Fixed an issue where enemies were unable to detect the player after going through a weird fire door.

The rewards you get from Survival have been increased.
Reaching Tier 1 will rewards you with a Survival Cache instead of a Gear Cache.
Reaching Tier 2 will rewards you with one Survival Cache and one Weapons Cache.
Fixed a bug where the Punisher accolade on the end screen would always have a checkbox next to it even if it wasn’t completed.
Fixed several issues in the environment, where players could get stuck.
Fixed instances of the game freezing when leaving Survival.
Fixed a bug where Mods could not be equipped on items in Survival.

Last Stand
You can now see recent/nearby players from the opposing team as well as from your own team.
Fixed instances of the game freezing when leaving a Last Stand match.
Fixed an issue with the positioning of a prop which could cause players to get stuck in tactical point A1.
Base of Operations Edit
Stopped an evil Christmas tree by the Premium Vendor from trapping players.
Fixed a bug where the Base of Operation would become unusable after visiting the Premium Vendor.

Fixed a number of issues throughout the world such as:
Being unable to vault over certain objects.
Being shot by NPC’s through a wall by the entrance of the The Ward safe house.
Being blocked by invisible objects.
Getting stuck between objects.
Objects clipping through other objects.
Being able to glitch through various walls.
Floating flags and misplaces textures.
Fixed an issue where agents were able to jump off a roof in Turtle Bay.
We’ve stopped NPCs from following you into an elevator in Turtle Bay.
Fixed several places where hiding behind certain objects would stop enemies from engaging the agent.

Dark Zone
Fixed several issues in the DarkZone such as:
Agents sometimes receiving the Outside Playable Area message when in the The Armory landmark.
A lootable object in DZ7 being in an unreachable place.
Being able to glitch through a wall in the The Mall landmark.
Being unable to drop down from certain objects once the agent has climbed them.
Minor graphical issues in The Armory.
Moved several trashbags around so players wouldn’t get stuck behind them anymore.
Moved a rogue lamp.
NPCs being able to shoot through certain walls.
Fixed an issue where a Named NPC was missing from the The Basement landmark in DZ09.
Stopped NPCs from sneaking through a gap between a pair of doors and a rooftop in DZ09.
Fixed an issue where cleared Landmarks would not give out rewards.
The Named NPC “Beans” now belong to the correct faction.
Fixed a bug where enemies would stop engaging the player if they hid behind certain objects in the Q Building Landmark.
Fixed an issue where the player can teleport outside of the map in Dark Zone 2.

Consumables Caches are now available at the Dark Zone vendors.
Moved the position of the Loadout icon on items you have marked as a favorite to make it easier to identify them.
Added backpack capacity to the loot preview.
Fixed a bug where after dying and placing the cursor over a respawn location the highlighting of the option would appear on the bottom of the screen.
Fixed a bug where pressing back while having the option to disable sharing for an item would cause the item to be unshareable.
Fixed a bug where buying back items quickly could result in exceeding the inventory limit.
Fixed a bug where the “Sell” button at a vendor would be active even though there was nothing to sell.
Fixed a bug where you would get the wrong message when buying an item from any vendor.
When buying every item from the Appearance Vendor, you will now be able to see all your available currencies.
Fixed a bug where the Ubisoft Club Action Completed pop-up would show up every time the game was started.
Players now get a warning if their wallet of is full of a given currency and they open a Cache containing that currency.
Fixed a bug where a dead group member would still appear as unconscious in the group UI.
Fixed a bug in the Group Management menu where the Agent Details could overlap with the server warning “Poor connection to host server”.

PC Specific
Fixed an issue where an agent would right-click on an item and the text describing the options presented would flicker rapidly.
Fixed UI overlap which could occur when an agent was comparing items and then dragging an item over to share or dismantle.
Fixed an issue where agents could still use the scroll wheel while the Not Enough Space prompt was present.
Fixed a bug where the mouse cursor would sometimes not be present on the loading screen.
Fixed an issue where the Group Management menu would begin flickering when an agent hovered the cursor over a friend’s name.
Fixed an issue where the player’s FPS would still be capped despite turning off the Frame Rate limiter.
Fixed several instances of skills being locked when aiming too fast after another skill was deployed.
Other Edit
Fixed an issue where the NPC beating a dead body scene had no sound effects.
Fixed an issue with Tattoo saturation not changing between 0 – 30% during Character Creation.
Fixed a visual bug where an agent would continuously bleed if revived by a group member’s Recovery Link while another revive was in progress.
Fixed instances of incorrect NPC animations.
Added sound effects to the JTF officer knocking on bars in the Brooklyn Precinct. Maybe someone will actually hear him and help him out now.
The Blueprints Vendor in the Terminal should now speak again.
Several improvements made to texture loading speed after a fast travel.
Agents no longer blink and move their eyes once killed. Say no to zombies.
Changes from PTS 3 to Final 1.7 Build Edit

Classified Gear Sets
Striker’s Battlegear: 6-piece stacks will now reset when player exits combat.
Final Measure: Players will no longer defuse grenades when downed.
Sentry’s Call: 6-piece bonus now has a 50% chance (instead of 25%) to spread within 25 meters (instead of 10).
Fixed a bug where attributes would not be normalized correctly if the player recalibrated one of them.
Fixed a bug where players equipped with 6-piece Lone Star would sometimes no longer deal damage after the Berserker Talent triggered.
Various improvements to UI feedback.
Various UI fixes.

Global Events
Fixed a bug where Global Event progress performed in Manhattan would reset each time a player would play a session of Underground, Survival or Last Stand.
Contagious effect in Outbreak has been tuned down. Its damage is reduced by 40% and the DOT duration reduced from 3 seconds to 1 second.
Global Event caches have been updated with the following content:
2x of either
45% Classified Gear Set
43.5% Gear Set
11.5% Exotic
12.5% chance of an extra item
90% Classified Gear Set
10% Exotic
Global Event Tokens will now correctly drop from Survival and Last Stand caches.
Fixed several instances of Global Event Tokens not being counted towards the total earned during a Global Event.
Fixed a bug where HVT bosses would not drop any Global Event Tokens.
Fixed a bug where some Incursions bosses would not drop any Global Event Tokens.
Fixed a bug where Underground bosses would not drop the correct amount of Global Event Tokens.
Fixed a bug where some Open World bosses would not drop any Global Event Tokens.
Various UI and text fixes.

Encrypted Caches
Key Fragments drop rates increased from 3% to 20%. These fragments can drop from named NPCs in the Open World, Dark Zone, Missions, Incursions and HVT contracts.
Various UI fixes.

Fixed various Commendations not updating correctly.
Various UI fixes.

Fixed an issue where the Ninja Backpack bonus would not apply correctly when equipping it.


1.7.1 patch notes

The Face Masks vanity rewards are now tied to Global Event Commendations instead of the Leaderboards. Global Event Leaderboards now reward a number of Classified Caches, the amount depending on an agent’s placement on the Global Event Leaderboards once the event ends.
Fixed an issue where agents would be prompted with an incorrect reward notification.
The first column in both Dark Zone Leaderboards and Global Event Leaderboards will now display Rank even though the text says Position.

Fixed a RPM related exploit.
Fixed an issue where agents could experience weapons jamming with low-RPM weapons, such as shotguns and marksman rifles.
Fixed an issue where an agent could get desynchronized if the agent cancelled the animation of entering cover with a combat roll.
Fixed a desynchronization issue which could occur after an agent jumped off a high structure.
Fixed a desynchronization issue which could occur during corner swaps.
Fixed a desynchronization issue which would occur when climbing off a prop and then quickly going into cover.
Fixed another desynchronization issue which could occur if the agent would perform a combat roll before finishing a cover to cover move.
Made several improvements in order to prevent various desynchronization issues.
Updated the description of the Striker’s set 4p bonus to now state that the bonus will be lost when exiting combat.


Patches and updates/Update 1.8: Resistance

Update 1.8: Resistance is an update to The Division. Update 1.8 was revealed on August 30, 2017, and was released on December 5, 2017. This free update brings an expansion to the PVE zone, new game modes, as well as changes to the Rogue System in the Dark Zone.

New Features
West Side Pier
West Side Pier is a completely new area accessible for all agents where two new game modes take place: ‘Resistance’ and ‘Skirmish’. In the zones, the enemy factions are teaming up to take the fight to the Division agents.
The West Side Pier map stretches over two named zones: Piers North and Piers South.
A new safe house will be available named Camp Clinton. Camp Clinton will act as a new social hub, similar to the Terminal, for Update 1.8.
West Side Pier features a new dynamic spawning system for enemies, new special assignments, and daily assignments.
West Side Pier Commendations have been added.

In Skirmish, two teams of four agents compete against each other to get the highest number of kills before the timer expires. Teams earn points each time a downed enemy agent is eliminated.
Agents can start a Skirmish session from the Last Stand matchmaking gate in the Base of Operations or Camp Clinton.
PvP rank (previously called Last Stand rank) cap has been increased from 40 to 99. Last Stand and Skirmish both contribute to this progression.
New PvP rank rewards have been added, including Classified Caches.
Skirmish Commendations have been added.

Rogue 2.0
The Rogue system in the Dark Zone has been overhauled for Update 1.8.
To go Rogue, the agent needs to toggle their Rogue status before being able to do any damage to friendly agents. Any member of their group can choose to also go Rogue or to leave the group.
Manhunt levels and objectives have been added. Agents reaching Manhunt status will now have an objective to interact with, which will reward Manhunt Caches. Non-Rogue agents will see the general area of the Manhunt objective and will be rewarded for stopping the Manhunt agents.
To go Rogue, hold Up on the Directional Pad.

Optimization Station
Gear Optimization provides an all new way for agents to invest in their favorite gear and achieve the perfect min-maxed build for their playstyle. Agents can take any of their gear to the new Gear Optimization station and spend Division Tech and Credits to improve the quality of the item’s stats towards their cap.

The update introduces a new PvE game mode called ‘Resistance’ where factions are teaming up for the first time to fight against Division agents. Enemy NPCs continuously spawn in waves as the agents try to survive for as long as they can.
This new PvE game mode takes place in three arenas in West Side Pier.
Agents can start an event from the map or by walking to the arena locations located in West Side Pier and initializing the event from there.
Resistance Commendations have been added.

Underground changes
The old Directives have been removed and replaced by new ones that bring new gameplay options.
Electro Tech – New electro-tech gives the player vastly reduced cool-down on skills, however a side effect of this experimental technology causes disruption to other electrical systems while a skill is activate.
Adrenal Healing –Agents are granted a constant adrenaline boost, restoring their health, however the extra intake means less frequent use is available for all healing abilities.
Kinetic Armor – Experimental new gear that increases Agents armor as they increase their movement speed. Armor protection is significantly reduced when static.
Compensator – Experimental tech that gives all weapons extra stability when firing down the sights; however due to weight of this tech Agents have decreased ammo capacity.
Shock Ammo - Specially designed magazines allow for permanent shock bullets, but with constant fire this can cause it to be unusable for a short time and potentially shock the Agent.
The Underground will now have checkpoints.
Hunters have been added to the Underground as a random spawn. When they show up, there will always be one more Hunter than there are agents present. Slain Hunters have a chance of dropping Exotics and Classified Gear Sets.
The Rave Room from the End is NY mission has been added to the room rotation.
New Directives panel added to the Tactical Operations Center.
New quick launch options in the Tactical Operations Center for Daily and 3 Phase 5 Directive Operations.
Underground Daily Operations and Weekly Assignment information added to the map.
The Underground has been given weekly assignments, and will reward a Weekly Cache which contains an Exotic.
Rewards have been increased overall in the Underground.
New Underground Commendations have been added.
New Patches have been added as commendation rewards.
Added ability to fast travel to Daily Operations.
Players are now able to match-make for customized operations and for daily operations.

New Classified Gear
The new Classified Gear Sets which will become available in upcoming Global Events are:

Global Event 3 ‘Strike’:
Path of the Nomad
Predator’s Mark
Banshee’s Shadow

Global Event 4 ‘Ambush’:
Hunter’s Faith
Tactician’s Authority.

Set Bonus (5 pieces):
+25% Health Regen
+10% Weapon Damage
Set Bonus (6 pieces):
Talent: Improved AlphaBridge
Inactive personal versions of all Signature Skills are rotating every 6 seconds and can be activated by killing enemy agents or Veteran/Elite NPCs. The Signature Skills that is up on rotation when an enemy is killed is activated for 10 seconds when all Primary Stats are balanced between each other. These times are shortened depending on the difference in the ranges of your Primary Attributes. You can no longer activate Signature Skills or be affected by Ally Signature Skills.

Banshee’s Shadow
Set Bonus (5 pieces):
+20% Looted Dark Zone Funds.
+5% damage to target out of cover.
Set Bonus (6 pieces):
Talent: Improved Banshee:
While Rogue, the time to clear Manhunt status is decreased by 5% for every group member within 10 meters. All Rogue status actions that result in a rank up are doubled. Rewards for clearing Manhunt status are improved. While not Rogue, damage to Manhunt status agents is increased by 5% for each Manhunt level the agent has. Rewards for killing a Manhunt status agent are improved.

Set Bonus (5 pieces):
+15% Protection from Elites
+5% Ballistic Shield damage resilience
Set Bonus (6 pieces):
Talent: Improved FrontLine
When Ballistic Shield is deployed, melee damage is increased by 2000% and all overhealing the agent receives is applied to the Ballistic Shield as healing. After receiving a damage threshold from receiving Physical or Exotic damage, the Ballistic Shield grants a buff to the agent and all group members within 15 meters for 6 seconds. The duration of the buff is increased by 2 seconds for every 3000 Stamina the agent has.
Physical Damage: Armor is increased by 30%.
Exotic Damage: Weapon Damage is increased by 30%.

Set Bonus (5 pieces):
+1 Incendiary Grenade Capacity
+5% Flame Turret Range
+20% Flame Turret Damage
Set Bonus (6 pieces):
Talent: Improved FireCrest
Bullets have a 2% chance to cause an enemy to burn. Burning targets can cause a fiery explosion when killed by bullets once every 10 seconds. NPCs set on fire by your flame turret will burn 25% longer for every 2000 Electronics.

Hunter’s Faith
Set Bonus (5 pieces):
+20% Optimal Range
+10% Headshot Damage
Set Bonus (6 pieces):
Talent: Hunter’s Precision
Headshots double the gained increased damage bonus. 2 consecutive missed shots are needed to lose the bonus damage.

Path of the Nomad
Set Bonus (5 pieces):
+10% Health on Kill
Talent: Improved Nomad’s Resolve
Increases the amount of healing from Nomad’s Resolve. Nomad’s Resolve will now overheal.
Set Bonus (6 pieces):
Talent: Nomad’s Luck
50% chance to have no cooldown for Path of the Nomad. Take 60% less damage for 10 seconds after Path of the Nomad is triggered.

Predator’s Mark
Set Bonus (5 pieces):
+10% Reload Speed
+8% Assault Rifle Damage
+8% SMG Damage
Set Bonus (6 pieces):
Talent: Improved Predator’s Mark
Hitting 10 shots without switching targets now applies The Predator’s Mark which makes the target bleed for 50% of the damage already done by those bullets; The Predator’s Mark ignores the targets Bleed Resistance. The Damage over time to the target is increased by 15% for every 3000 Stamina and can critically hit the target. When at 9000 Stamina the damage over time bonus is increased by an additional 120%

Tactician’s Authority
Set Bonus (5 pieces):
+5% Skill Haste
+5% Skill Power
Set Bonus (6 pieces):
Talent: Improved Tactician’s Authority
Using a skill while at the max bonus will reset the skill power buff but will raise the cap to 60%. Using a different skill at 60% has a 40% chance to set the buff power back to 30% while keeping the cap at 60%. This chance is increased by 20% for every 3000 Electronics.
New Exotic WeaponsEdit
Four new Exotic weapons have been added to the game.

The House
Submachine Gun
Special Talent: Card Counter
One half of the magazine does 20% increased damage. The half which deals increased damage flips after 15 seconds or when the magazine is empty.

Big Alejandro
Light Machine Gun
Special Talent: Cover Shooter
Every bullet fired at an enemy from cover increases weapon damage by 0.5% up to 50%. The bonus lasts for 10 seconds. Getting a kill with this weapon while in cover resets the duration. The bonus damage is cancelled by reloading, swapping weapons, or exiting combat.

Marksman Rifle
Special Talent: Fire
Headshots increase stability by 30% for 15 seconds. Body shots increase headshot damage by 30% for 15 seconds.
Set Bonus talent used together with Heel: The Devil’s Heel
Both weapons gain the Fire and Fury talents and the buff durations are increased by 15 seconds. Bonuses from Fire and Fury are no longer lost when swapping between Fire and Fury. Weapon swap speed is increased by 50%.

Marksman Rifle
Special Talent: Fury
Hitting weak points increase weapon damage by 15% for 15 seconds. Hitting skill proxies increase critical hit damage by 30% for 15 seconds.
Set Bonus Talent used together with Devil: The Devil’s Heel. See above.
New additions to the Premium VendorEdit
Players can now obtain all new vanity items and collections by unlocking the Encrypted Cache Mark 2.
The Premium Vendor NPC can now be found in Camp Clinton, as well as the Terminal.

Adjusted PvP modifier to balance TTK with the new stamina improvements.
Increased health point gain per stamina point to 30 (was 15).
Increased grenade cooldown to 6 seconds (was 3).
Critical Hit Chance is reduced by 50% when hip firing.
Removed reticle when hip firing.
Replaced all instances of the + Weapon Damage gear statistic with % Weapon Damage. This results in more consistent benefits for all weapons regardless of RPM.
Fixed an issue where a grenade could become invisible if thrown exactly when going into a downed state.
Deconstructing High End gear, High End weapons, Gear Set items, Classified Gear Sets, Exotic armor and weapons now has a chance to reward D-Tech.
The turn speed for all agents has been increased slightly.
Issues with the Hunter’s Faith 4-piece bonus damage not reaching higher amounts of stacks with high RPM weapons have been fixed.
The Tactician’s Authority bonus will now proc for all damage dealt, including damage dealt by friendly turrets at a reduced rate.
Fixed a bug where agents could fire faster than intended with any Bolt Action rifle.
Fixed an issue where an agent would not receive a cache after completing an assignment if their inventory was full.
Agents can now vote to kick group members. This functionality becomes available when a group has 3 or 4 members. When an agent joins a group via matchmaking that agent will be immune from being kicked out of the group for 3 minutes. Also, an agent whom joins a group via matchmaking can only be removed from the group if the agent is kicked by vote.

Added rarity colors to the inventory’s Appearance menu so that it matches the behavior in the rest of the UI.
Fixed a UI bug where a .0 would be added to Firearms and DPS stats on weapons.
Fixed several UI issues where text would overlap in certain languages.
Fixed a UI issue where the HUD would still appear when in the Dark Zone even though the Auto-Hide option was turned on.
Fixed a UI bug where it would seem as if an agent had the Fire Bullets consumable active even though it was not active. This issue would only appear if the consumable was used shortly before the agent entered the downed state.
Fixed an issue where Smart Cover would overlap with the megamap.

Weapon balance

Exotic weapons
Warlord, Caduceus, Historian, Tenebrae, Damascus, Golden Rhino, Midas, Hungry Hog, Showstopper, Thompson M1928, and the Tommy Gun have had their damage slightly increased.
Pakhan has had its damage slightly reduced and its spread decreased.
The Medved has had its range increased and its spread slightly decreased.

The damage of high RPM weapons have been decreased.
The M4, MP5, and MP7 have had their damage decreased.

Adrenaline will now give the user a 2-second immunity to all status effects.
Adept will now give a single stack of its buff which is refreshed if another skill is used while it’s active. It will no longer stack multiple times.
Fixed instances where Rapid would stop working.
Fixed an issue where Battle Buddy would apply twice to an agent after they’ve been revived by a Support Station.
Fixed an issue where the Pakhan would lose its stacks upon switching weapons with the Lone Star 4 piece bonus active.


Support Station
Fixed a bug where the Support Station skill would still remain on the ground and the skill become unavailable when the agent using the skill move more than 100 meters away from it.
Fixed an issue where the Support Station buffs would stay even if the station was disrupted.
Fixed an issue where the Support Station healing rate would be inconsistent.

The PvP modifier for all turrets have been decreased to 35%.

Sticky Bomb
Removed Sticky Bomb detonation delay (was 1.2 seconds).

First Aid
Removed ability to activate First Aid while firing.

Survivor Link
Updated the Survivor Link tooltip to clarify that the agent’s group members are the ones that receive the emergency health boost.

Recovery Link
The Recovery Link auto revive will now deplete the Tactician’s Authority bonus.

Agents will now be able to use Pulse when the cooldown is over even if the skill is already active.

Commendations / Patches
The Pacifist commendation will no longer be rewarded after a completed PvE Survival session.
Fixed an issue where the Outbreak shirt and the Cave Dweller patch would not blend well if the agent had the Banshee or Baseball jacket equipped.
Fixed an issue where Commendations with conditions as well as a patch reward would sometimes display incorrectly.
Fixed an issue where patches would cause flickering if wearing the Padded Cardigan – Black shirt or Hunting Vest - Brown with a female character.
The Commendations Highest Value Target and Targeted Agent will no longer reward the same patch as Face Time.
Last Stand Revival will now reward the correct patch.
Fixed a bug where progress for the No Retreat and No Surrender commendations would be given even though the agents had been killed in action.
Fixed a bug where the Sewer Slayer commendation would not always update upon killing a named enemy.
Fixed a bug that would allow the One Man’s Trash commendation to progress by resupplying.
Fixed a bug that would allow the player to bypass the Agent with a Shotgun commendation requirements.

Gear Sets
Tactician’s AuthorityEdit
Set Bonus (4 pieces):
"Every bullet you hit enemies with adds 1% bonus skill power. Every bullet your deployed skills hit enemies with adds 0.2% bonus skill power. Skill power bonus max is 30%. Bonus is consumed on skill use."

Set Bonus (4 pieces):
When used, your Ballistic Shield has no skill mod active. It will no longer remove Critical Chance from your weapon. SMGs can be equipped. Ballistic Shield health is increased by 57% for every 3000 stamina.

Hunter’s Faith
Set Bonus (4 pieces):
"Each consecutive shot with a bolt action marksman rifle that hits an enemy deals 3% more damage. The damage bonus is increased by 4% for every 2000 3000 Firearms. The bonus damage is removed once a shot misses a target, upon weapon swap or reload, or after 10 seconds.

Classified Gear Sets

Striker’s Battlegear
Set Bonus (6 pieces)
Every hit adds a self-healing bonus for 0.02% of max health per second. This bonus is further increased by 0.05% for every 3000 stamina. Stacks up to 100 hits. Missing shots drops the bonus by 1 stack and the bonus is reduced by 2 stacks every second.
Every hit increases the bonus damage from Striker's Battlegear by an additional 1%. Missing shots drops the bonus damage from Striker's Battlegear by 1% and the bonus is reduced by 2% every second.

Set Bonus (6 pieces):
Support station gains a 40% chance to have no cooldown triggered when it is destroyed by an enemy. This chance is increased by 20% for every 3000 Electronics.
Added a PvP modifier to the D3-FNC set, causing it to require more damage done to proc in PvP.
Fixed an issue with Classified Gear where comparing Loadouts would sometimes not show a difference in stats.
Fixed an issue where the DeadEye 6-piece talent would not activate after killing an agent or an NPC when using the Historian.
Fixed a bug where the Classified Reclaimer gear set’s “Support Station Revive Time” was set to 0.
Fixed a bug where the Predator’s Mark’s bleed would not always be applied to the target.
Fixed a bug where the Pakhan magazine stack is lost when the Meticulous talent procs.
Fixed an issue where set bonuses for unreleased Classified Gear Sets could be seen at the Recalibration Station.
Fixed a potential exploit where agents could use the Banshee’s Shadow Gear Set to replenish ammunition anywhere in the Dark Zone.
The wording on the D3-FNC 6-piece bonus has been clarified.

Global Event
Added support for future Global Events.
Outbreak global event masks are now rewarded by completing Outbreak specific commendations when the event is active.
Changed a tool tip to reflect that Global Event weapon skins and vanity sets can only be obtained through leaderboards.
Fixed a bug that would cause wildlife to explode during the Strike global event.
Fixed various UI issues.
Fixed various localization issues.

Missions / HVTs
Joe Ferro is now invulnerable while locked inside the glass room.
Fixed a bug where enemies would not spawn during an HVT contract after joining another agent’s session.
Fixed an issue where completing Napalm Production Site on Legendary difficulty would not count towards Global Event missions.
Fixed an issue in Warrengate power plant where the boss wave’s medics would not deploy their support station under certain circumstances.

Fixed an instance where the agents could abuse a certain room to gain an unfair advantage during the final fight of Stolen Signal.

Dark Zone
Increased base Rogue timer from 19 seconds to 90 seconds.
Fixed an issue causing a downed group member not having their manhunt status cleared while in a downed state.
Fixed “Group gone rogue” notification being displayed to solo players upon reconnecting to the game while having rogue or manhunt status.

Fixed a bug where the Store menu would be available in Survival.
Fixed an issue where completing a daily Survival assignment would not give a notification.

Fixed a bug where an Underground mission could lead to a dead end.
Fixed an issue where the final boss in the Underground could be farmed repeatedly.
Fixed a bug where the final objective would not update after killing the final boss.
Agents will no longer be trapped in the Underground if the team leader leaves the group directly after opening the last door.
Fixed an issue where frame rates would drop significantly in a certain room.
Fixed not being able to vault over certain props from both directions.
Fixed not being able to take cover in certain locations.
Fixed a bug that would allow the agent to exit the playable area.
Fixed various locations where it was possible for the player to get stuck.
Removed an invisible wall.
Fixed a break in the floor which would prevent the agent from progressing.
Updated hints to correspond with the revamped Underground.
Made a number of adjustments related to the placement of props.
Fixed some weird doors.
Fixed various UI Issues.

Last Stand
Last Stand rank has been renamed to PvP rank.
Cypher key fragments are now obtainable from Last Stand caches.
Fixed an issue where an agent would be given a 30-second death penalty in Last Stand after previously dying as a Rogue in the Dark Zone.
Fixed an issue where an agent would be a given a 30-second death penalty in Last Stand after previously dying in Survival.
Fixed an issue where an agent could get stuck on the Last Stand matchmaking screen.
Fixed an issue where an agent sometimes would not see the respawn menu after dying.
Fixed an issue where the player would receive a prompt to enter a Last Stand match if the group had previously closed the game during a Last Stand match.

Switching between Loadouts using key bindings will now give a warning message if the current Loadout isn’t saved.
Added new Loadout name options.

Premium Vendor
Fixed a bug where an item in the Premium Vendor would not have a tool tip.
Fixed a bug where the glimmer effect on rare vanity items would not disappear in the vanity items menu.
Fixed a bug where an Encrypted Cache could automatically be opened when the agent purchased a Cypher Key.
Fixed an issue where a second Premium Vendor could appear after an agent purchased an Encrypted Cache.
Fixed an issue where the agent would be stuck on the cache opening screen if kicked from the group while opening an Encrypted Cache.
Fixed an issue with Encrypted Caches where the preview button still worked even though it was not present on the UI.
Fixed various UI issues.
Fixed various animation issues.
Fixed an issue where the Premium Vendor would briefly disappear upon purchasing an encrypted cache.

Fixed a cover location in the Dark Zone which would show agents as out of bounds.
Fixed an issue with the “The Armory” landmark in the Dark Zone where sometimes an agent would not receive a reward for clearing the landmark, and it would continue to display as active.
Fixed an issue where agents could not pick up an Echo in Chelsea.
Fixed an issue where agents could get stuck between the Recalibration Station and Optimization Station at the Base of Operations.

PC Specific
Fixed an issue on PC where sorting items by name would not always display the items in correct alphabetical order.
Fixed an issue where the DirectX 12 renderer would not work on certain graphics cards.
Agents can now use the /join command to join a group of agents in an Open Group.
Fixed an issue where the Green Cadet Cap and the White Cadet Cap looked identical.
Made an improvement to the shooting range in the Base of Operations in order to enable agents to test some of the new gear talents which require that the agent is in combat.
Decreased opacity of loot pillars while in combat.
Fixed an issue where using the Historian against a shooting range target would not generate explosion particles.
Fixed a bug in the Dark Zone where an agent’s Global Event mask would overlap with the regular gear mask.
Fixed an animation issue tied to using emotes after jumping from an object.

[ Szerkesztve ]
