Tanuljunk angolul! - Tudomány, oktatás fórum




Kaptam egy házit a pakisztáni angol tanáromtól :DDD. Ezeket a szavakat, vonzatos igéket vettük, és van hozzá egy feladat is, ami nekem nem tűnik jónak. Mit gondoltok róla? :R

Simultaneously (adverb) Means: at the same time EX: The two guns fired almost simultaneously. EX: They prepare simultaneously for both higher education and employment.

Spontaneously (adverb) Means: suddenly EX: We spontaneously started to dance. EX: The huge crowd spontaneously broke into applause.

Interchangeable (adj) - Synonyms: replaceable Means: (of two things) able to be interchanged. EX: The camera has two interchangeable lenses EX: This makes each contract freely interchangeable with another contract.

Step down (phrasal verb) Means: to resign or leave a job or position EX: My wife had to step down from her job because she wasn’t happy enough.

Crucial (adj) Means: Important EX: it was really crucial that’s why I had to stop this. EX: Crucial conditions are preventing us from going furthermore.

Break into (phrasal verb) Means1: to begin working in a new business or a new area: EX: I recently broke into content creator Means2: to begin suddenly to do something: EX: She usually breaks into a riding horse. Exercise

A few years ago when I was going to the United States before that I ___________prepared my suitcase and started to commute to the office. _________I had an unfortunate situation came up and I was forced to ________my travel to the next week, however, which wasn’t in my hand and I regret it because my main purpose was to __________something important by reason of my mom’s accident since that day I _______ cause it was crucial meeting in the US and I wasn’t there. At the end of the day, I ________ a big finance company and that was really incredible day.

Elvileg ezeket a szavakat kellett volna beleírni az adott igeidőbe a szövegbe(sorrendben):
Step down
Break into

Keressek másik tanárt? :DDD

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